Personnel Training and Development

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Questions and Answers

When were toilets first used on trains?

Need the year and name of line.

Posted by Grumpy
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Austria: The first toilets were installed in baggage cars for train personnel in the 1850s. (they were not allowed to leave the train). The trains used to have rather long stops in stations in the first years, allowing passengers to get out, go to toilet, even have lunch.
The first toilets for passengers came up in 1869 on the Kaiser-Ferdinands-Nordbahn. At that era the coaches had no corridor connections so the toilets were only accessible to passengers in the adjacent compartments.
Around 1880 side corridors came up, from then on express train coaches were regularly built with toilets. However they only consisted of a toilet bowl with a hole in the ground and a water ewer for manual flushing.
Much later the toilets had a flap (so you didn't get a cold butt in winter) and water flushing operated with a foot pedal.
In the 1980s the first vacuum toilets were introduced, with a holding tank that has to be emptied regularly. Open toilets were no longer deemed acceptable because high speed trains must be airtight and new tunnel lines had to be kept clean.
The latest development is a bioreactor which separates water from the rest of the waste, allowing longer periods between emptying the tank. The separated water is used for flushing (don't worry, it will not come out of the tap).
The majority of Russian trains still have open toilets which are locked whenever the train is near a big city or crossing a border. (So you need to time your bladder well!)

Training Companies in Andhra pradesh?

Which Training company provides Sales training, personality development training for a Level 5 company empolyees.

Please Help me.

Sunita Redhu.

Posted by Sunita Redhu
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Hi Sunita,
Trainers from ATCS Hyderabad based, India Training company facilitated more than 250 programs. Trained over 11000 delegates. Http://

I found some of training modules from below site while making an attempt to answer your question hope it will help you to find leading professional Sales trainers.

Selling – Selling
Basics N Basics
Advance selling skills
21st Century Professional
Mission Possible
Managerial Effectiveness Program

Self Management
Total Recognition Solutions
You the LEADER
Transformation motivational program
Protocal for Success

Basic Numerator of SUCCESS
Mind Power N Memory Techniques
Scoring Success @ Interviews

I think ATCS may deal with this typos
Sales Personnel
Frontline Managers
Higher Management
Personnel Administrative Staff
C.M.E.Y. & P.M.R.Y aspirants
Marketing Executives
Political Leaders
Unemployed Youth


Ascent Training & Consultancy Services
Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh.
Mobile: 0924 652 4854

What does the role of being a RAF personnel support officer consist of?

Please do not send me and links to the RAF website as it will not load on my phone.

Posted by BUZZ
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Typical work roles include:

• Human Resource Management.
• Infrastructure, Facilities and Estate Management.
• Accounting and Finance.
• Media and Communication.
• Community Support.
• Force Development.
• Training Management (including Training Requirements Analysis, Design & Development, Delivery and Assurance).
• Operational Training (including Flying, Synthetic and Ground Training).
• Governance of Training (including interaction with legislative bodies such as OFSTED, SFA and SCC).
• Language and Cultural Capability Training.
• Physical Education.
• Adventurous Training.
• Exercise Rehabilitation.
Your first tour
Quoted from the RAF personnel officer.

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