How to find the right MLM entrepreneur mentors for success?

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Many years ago I tried to find an MLM business mentor near me because I thought it would be more convenient, but I quickly learnt that not all mentors are equal

I often rant on about the advantages of the internet and technology in relation to finding the right mentor that suits someone in a network marketing business. I personally have a mentor who lives on another continent and we speak on a weekly bases, sharing information and issue we have. This relationship has been going for some years and has become big impact on my business and personal life. In the past a mentor would have needed to live close, but that is not a massive issue anymore. There are only two key elements we need in a mentor and that is:

– Are they in the same mindset as ourselves?
– Are we in the same business opportunity?

The second one sounds quite harsh that you would need to join his or her business opportunity, but unless they are having millionaire status success in their business they are unlikely to want to use their time and energy on someone who will not benefit their business at all.

The fact is in most cases the type of product or business will define the mindset of the mentor and so making that connection and building that relationship between the mentor and mentee should not be too difficult.

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