Google Personal Growth Series: Mindsight: The New Science of

Google Tech Talks April 22, 2009 ABSTRACT This interactive talk will examine two major questions: What is the mind? and How can we create a healthy mind? We’…

46 Replies to “Google Personal Growth Series: Mindsight: The New Science of”

  1. For those who practice prayer or meditation might find this neurology
    behind our mindfulness a helpful analysis of our activities. That there are
    physiological changes which take place in the brain as a result of activity
    has been known for some time, but the specific insights as to the benefits
    in empathy and higher frontal lobe functions. He does not say so, but if we
    wish to learn to love our neighbor, here is a means to that end.

  2. had thought before about linkage of mind functions as mathematical
    integration (and thus derivation). glad to see this idea brought up in this

  3. This was well worth the hour of listening time. How a scientist comes to
    the understanding of the value of “meditation”, “self-remembering”, “inner
    silence” via clinical research of brain damaged patients.

  4. Love Daniel Siegel’s work and talks. His books I find somewhat inaccessible
    to the lay person but are still very worth working through.

  5. Love Daniel Siegel’s work and talks. His books I find somewhat inaccessible
    to the lay person but are still very worth working through.

  6. Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie man unseren #Geist (engl.: mind)
    definieren könnte? *Dr. Dan Siegel* stellt hier seine verblüffend einfache
    und doch griffige Definition vor. Außerdem demonstriert er ein wirklich
    “handliches” Modell unseres #Gehirns … Genial!
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Have you ever wondered how to define our #mind ? *Dr. Dan Siegel* shares
    with us his amazingly simple yet catchy definition. He also demonstrates a
    real “handy” model of the human #brain … Brilliant!

  7. What do Damasio, Tononi, Harris, Dennett, Sacks, Pinker, Ledoux and types
    like this think about these ideas? I want to buy this book for my mom, but
    not if this is like Jeffery Schwartz The Mind and The Brain trying too hard
    to save free will…

  8. (Sorry, continued from last post) Just a month after starting four years
    ago, I was better able to respond appropriately (and cheerfully!?) to
    particular situations. Thank you for reading my comment.

  9. Just one request: show me reliable, independent data. put them in your
    commentary – otherwise your talk is worth way less than you actually sell
    it for.

  10. As a holistic psychotherapist, I’ve spent a good part of my 27 years in
    practice searching for a working definition of not only the mind, but of
    consciousness. I’ve often said that “good mental health is not a natural
    sport.” Our natural response is to react; which frequently gets us into all
    kinds of trouble. Good mental health requires skill, knowledge and
    practice. I appreciate the work of Dr. Siegel, as he offers concrete
    suggestions as to how to achieve healthy functioning.

  11. When employers creep deeper & deeper in2 areas previously met by other
    facets of society What recourse do employees hv when disputes arise, when
    personal interest r in conflict with group interest for example. When group
    objective is 2 increase margins at all costs .Especially when every1 from d
    Monk 2 D Psychiatrist all on company payroll & friction is detrimental 2
    group earnings, Then how? Free agents who look out 4 number one & cliques
    who form inside d camp grounds? Congrats!

  12. Loved the Book, resonates with the experiences of my days. Reflection,
    awareness, integration…WOW. SO plainly and well described:)

  13. Great lecture that is very optimistic about the ability of the mind to
    change, the importance of relationships and the power of meditation.

  14. An important talk. Thanks to Dr. Siegel and Google for sharing it. These
    contents are not easy to find in free form and they are very necessary to
    help us in this part of the world understand what inner growth is about.
    Listening, re-listening and taking notes is the best way to enjoy it.

  15. @DefiningConcepts DefiningConcepts Also as we relate to situations the
    brain organizes itself and has a better model of reality than we are aware
    of. The secret to the mindshift is that we can access our genius by
    relating to both our non verbal and verbal skills, rather than trying to
    only use our logical thinking for everything. Logic is more for checking
    our whole brain thinking.

  16. 13:47 Important point about relationships: Relationships shape the firing
    in the brain; and when neurons fire, they actually change their synaptic
    connections with each other. The way we learn, the way we grow, the way we
    develop is by experiences in addition to genes shaping the synaptic
    connections in the nervous system. We know that relationships shape those

  17. (Sorry, continued from last post) …a cow metaphor that some Buddhist
    teachers came up with (cow is mind, stake is meditative focus, grass over
    there is impetus to wander). My friend was passing on what he learned from
    his lessons from a Zen temple as well as his subsequent experience. I’d be
    willing to forward it to you and answer questions if you would like to take
    meditation on for yourself. In case you are wondering, it is a
    concentration meditation, focusing on breathing.

  18. I’d recommend The brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge, one basic
    book of neuroplasticity. It features some brand new ideas, and a new model
    of autism. (With a way to solve some of the main problems with autism, for
    example the social skills and communications.)

  19. @misdelivery There are many ways to approach things that are better… many
    that are worse. Comparison like this is unhealthy. Clearly, may people
    found this valuable.

  20. I’m so glad I’ve found this video. It will definitely help my understanding
    of the world. Thanks for google techtalk for sharing it with us;

  21. A brilliant presentation. Such a great teacher. Bringing together the
    latest scientific finding to help the understanding of the effectiveness of
    mindfulness! Such an important collection of information.

  22. Of course.. I’m just saying, as a buddhist, it sounds familiar.. “The mind
    uses the brain to create itself..” You could also think of the brain as the
    radio, not the radio-station..

  23. I disagree, if the mind is receptive to transmission, then it is equally
    capable of broadcasting, so to speak 🙂

  24. Globally, with over 4.6 billion people– many are going through similar
    issues that you are experiencing right now. Today is the tomorrow we
    worried about yesterday.

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