Why and how to develop higher bodies and higher senses

Our current evolutionary goal is to step out of our humanity and into our Divinity. Now, in order to reach this lofty goal, part of what we have to do is build higher bodies and develop higher senses.

The idea of building higher bodies and developing higher finer senses may sound like wild fantasy on first hearing, however, evolution being a fact in nature, does it not make sense that as we expand our consciousness and reach up into higher frequencies, as per the law of magnetic attraction and resonance, higher matter becomes accessible to us and out of that higher finer matter we then build higher finer bodies serving as suitable mediums of contact on these higher, finer planes?

The physical body enables us to interact in this physical world; the emotional body enables us to interact in the emotional world and the mental body enables us to interact in the mental world. As we advance on the Spiritual path and manage to pierce into higher dimensions of reality, we’ll need higher finer bodies to move around and interact in these higher dimensions.

I know this may sound rather weird and strange (to some) but maybe this analogy here helps in our understanding:

We built carriages, bikes and cars to move around on Earth. However, to move around on water, we had to build boats and ships. Why? Because carriages and cars don’t drive well on water 🙂 As we advanced Spiritually, we began to move around in the air. Boats don’t work well for traveling through the air, so we built planes. Now, we are ready to explore space, but planes are not suitable for space traveling. For that very reason, we are now building space ships.

In the same way: We need different vehicles to move around in the various dimensions. We need a physical body to move around in this physical dimension here, an emotional body for the emotional plane, a mental body for the mental plane, an intuitional body for the intuitional plane, and so forth.

The Spiritual path is the path out of matter towards Spirit. To advance on the Spiritual path, by definition, means to become less matter and more Spirit. This is why, in order to advance on the Spiritual path, we need to keep spiritualizing the bodies we have (in this way sublimating them) and get busy building new, higher bodies made of new higher material.

Evolution into ever higher, finer dimensions is a fact in nature; and higher light body building enables us to commune and communicate in these higher dimensions.

ACTION STEP: Get serious about refining the bodies you have and start building new higher bodies. How?

Step 1: Refine your physical/etheric body by refining your diet and getting lots of sunshine and fresh air. Refine your emotional nature by forcing yourself (by enforcing your will) to perpetually vibrate love, joy, enthusiasm and gratitude no matter how challenging the situation may appear. Refine your mental body by diligently and persistently thinking high, lofty thoughts. Don’t allow any vagrant thoughts or discouraging, negative thoughts to live in your mind. You would not allow a vagrant to enter and dwell in your home, would you? Force them out! These simple exercises, if earnestly applied, will literally sublimate the bodies you have. To sublimate the bodies we have means to build into our bodies higher finer atoms while at the same time shaking out lower gross atoms.

Step 2: We build higher light bodies by expanding our consciousness into unexplored territory. Never allow yourself to stand still. Always be striving for the higher life!! To strive for the higher life means to advance into the higher life. If we never strive for the higher life, we will never get there. So, always be striving! Think the loftiest thoughts you can possibly entertain. Strive to think in abstract terms. Think about the Divine, look for the Divine in every face, in every flower, in every animal. Think about your Soul and identify with the I AM. Strive to become Soul-aware in the here and now. In conclusion, consider working with the I AM University’s Ascension Activation Meditations. MORE INFO.

TURN YOUR PROBLEMS INTO PROJECTS: Do you have personal problems and challenges that you would like to solve quickly, masterfully and joyfully by turning them into inspiring projects and catalysts for Spiritual growth? Or would you just like some help stepping into self-mastery and speeding up your evolutionary journey? If so, you may book a one-to-one coaching appointment with Gloria HERE.

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