43 Replies to “What is A Course in Miracles? ACIM Explained in 17 mins”

  1. Kenneth could you recomment me a good forum on ACIM..? I re-try the course
    after it didn’t get me 🙂 a few years ago, but strait away i’m full of all
    kinds of questions ..

  2. If the answer to the question “How do you know the earth is round?” is “I’m
    not exactly sure that it is”, then the answer to “Who is the author?” is
    “I’m not exactly sure.”

    Seems plausible to me that Helen Schucman merely tranced into a
    more-or-less egoless state, while using the religious framework of which
    she was raised around to help explain her ideals.

  3. Kenneth, wonderful review. Simplified, and encouraging. I first was
    introduced to this book five years ago by a co-worker, and it was
    overwhelming, and seemed to be jumbled talk by a psychologist. I gave the
    book back within a month. However, two years ago I had this strong need to
    get the book again, and I ran out to purchase it. Surprisingly, it was easy
    to understand everything I laid eyes on. In fact, reading its philosophical
    non-traditional Christian teachings helped me read the KJV bible with a new
    eyes, and gained more understanding. It really does move you to focus on
    your connection with God, and step away from your ego. I am more peaceful,
    and have a wider unifying attitude than before. 

  4. And all the verifiable history of the bible is of people that really lived,
    the Jewish people and their history and all the people that currently live
    today who claim the resurrection is true, all the martyers and the
    verifiable prophecies that came about, all the archaelogical findings are
    merely illusions of your mind. The words in the Course in Miracles trump
    all this and the special revelation of the authors give you permission to
    reason away a ton of facts! Truth itself becomes an illusion! Untruth has
    no meaning as well.

  5. Well done!! Thank you for mentioning George Bush, because he was the most
    difficult for me to forgive! But forgiveness came! I’m so pleased there’s
    nobody there! Keep up the great work!

  6. I do believe it was Jesus who was talking to the writer. I have read the
    bible and to me I was confused because certain things were said but not
    really explained into detail. Course of Miracles words sound like Jesus is
    speaking and explaining all of the teachings he shared about who we really
    are and forgiveness and love was the monumental message. .I love this book
    cause it really stirs up my inner self to see the truth of how much I am
    loved and I now understand what Jesus was saying in the Bible. Thank you
    Mr.Bok for explaining and for unveiling the true Author of this great book.

  7. Ken, thanks very much. Enjoyed this vid. I am 62 and started meditating
    (under great teacher) 2 years ago. Meditation has “made me less angry and
    more peaceful”. 😉

    I have a hard time getting through large books, but ACIM seems like it
    would be worth trying. Thanks again, Dave F.

  8. I am still studying it and I plan to be a teacher concerning this profound
    message. Mr Bok, What changes have you experienced through this course in
    your life? Thanks for sharing

  9. Hi Kenneth, I like your explanation very much!! I started with the Course
    on April 1st. I find it very clear and ‘know’ it is the Truth. Thank you
    very much and I will become member on you channel. Love, Wilma from the

  10. Hello Kenneth, Thank you for your wonderful work.I have been a student of
    the Course for 4 years have come through many layers of understanding.
    Since ACIM is a self study it is sometimes a lonely journey. It has been a
    great blessing in the last year and a half to find teachers on the
    internet. You all have confirmed to me that I am not losing, but gaining my
    mind. Thank you for your time your sharing and your love.

  11. yeah, but philosophy is a human endeavor, it is a “view of life” from an
    individual human perspective, not the perspective of the Holy Spirit. ACIM
    is from the Holy Spirit’s perspective which is probably something we can’t
    pretend to fully comprehend while in a body. :o) But i hear what you’re

  12. It looks to me like his ego has hijacked his spirituality and this is more
    common than many people realise. The ego is the sneakiest, most cunning
    system imaginable and it will wait patiently, playing dead for as long as
    it takes for the right moment to sneak back in and hijack our minds without
    our awareness. We then still think we are awake and all spiritual……but
    in reality our ego rules once again with more discretion and subtlety.

  13. Hello my friend, I wasn’t implying that the author of ACIM was an imposter.
    I would like to believe that the author is Jesus Christ himself, but I have
    no revelation that it is or isn’t. I refer to the book off and on, and
    enjoy it very much! Keep up the good work. Your video is very good. Better
    then alot I have seen on the subject.

  14. Just one point: ACIM isn’t really “philosophy”. It outlines the Truth of
    our existence and then it SHOWS you the truth of your existence. It is a
    guide that culminates in what must be considered a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE (the
    Revelation). thanks!

  15. Kennneth, what is your fist language? Have you read that translation yet? I
    also doit in Spanih, and going to start the exercises in Italian to
    practice. Love, Leandro

  16. Bravo, Kenneth! I’m totally sharing this with my 770-some-odd friends on
    FB. Keep up the fantastic work! Love and Light to you! 🙂

  17. hi Kenneth, so good to have you on my telly to talk about course 🙂 loved
    it, I am subscribing. Always good to remind oneself and by reminding to
    accept the truth and align oneself with it. <3

  18. Mystical experiences yes, encounters with masters no, (well, who knows, I
    may have met many undercover ones already ha ha)..

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