Personal Areas of Growth

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Questions and Answers

Stagnated in personal growth?

Well I realized in September 2007 that I have made my life a mess , all sorts of negative things were happening to me.So I tried to stay positive, make my life organized and started a path for self improvement.I got some great books and I was constantly reading them and was improving my life.In this journey I realized many things which I was doing wrong, corrected them, learned new things and applied them in my life.
In general I made my stand that whatever is around me, with me, myself I am going to improve it and looked for help with other sources(mostly books) if I can't do on my own.
So now I realized that I improved from my earlier situation a lot and now doing well financially, healthy,have good knowledge
But from sometime(10 months) I am realizing that what I started is now stagnated ….if I continue do as I was doing earlier it seems I am over optimistic, someone who is just clinging to certain rules, and most importantly I improved myself on personal front but relationships with others are yet to be better but continuing as earlier doesn't take me further in this area.
So I need help at this point.
Please help me.

Posted by Friend
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My take: You're worrying about it all too much. Just try living. Set goals and go for them. Growth isn't always steady and smooth–it takes time, and it can come in spurts. Just keep going forward.
This book can likely help you a lot in spite of its gung-ho title and military style. It's nevertheless brilliant..


Another book I recommend a lot and can be a powerful help to you….again disregard the title…


or a longer version…


What Is The Importance Of Personal Growth And LifestyleTo Success?

Please Answer :D.

Posted by Arunima
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As the word itself suggest, “Personal Growth” is personal, it would greatly vary from person to person. So never compare yourself to others, you are special in your own ways, and have many things that others don’t. Through this mindset you will be ready to take life head on. There’s no quick way in achieving personal growth, for this is developed through time and experiences you encounter in life. Remember, personal growth is not being perfect. It’s being self aware, because by doing this you will be able to see your full potential, improve how you interact with others, able to see your mistakes and thus correcting and avoiding them, and most of all live through life with a positive perspective. Through this, you will develop to a very strong individual, you will always be happy and confident about yourself, and problems wouldn’t be able to bring you down since you can usually think outside of the box. You will always be able to see the whole view, making you appreciate how beautiful the scenery is, letting you have no regrets in the life you live. This is the importance of personal growth.

In order to guarantee success at every trail we must learn how to improve and strengthen the different key targets to our self. The ingredients to this is self discipline, to learn how to contol different aspects: actions, thoughts, words, etc. The Need/ Motive which actually involves what you really want to accomplish, Perseverance and of course your Goals. Can't do any of these because of your addiction? Well you're not alone because I too have gone through that.

You can also get a self help book.I recommend "Unleash your Full Potential by James Rick" Http://… .I was once looking for a self help book when somebody online recommended me to read his writings.I say,I never got bored reading the book.

The purpose of the Full Potential Philosophy is for living life at your best: physically,mentally,spiritually, socially and financially.It teaches you the things you need to enhance I mean the areas you need to develop and how you can be productive.We need to have deep understanding about ourselves before we get our full potential.Life is temporary. Your existence – at least on Earth, has a beginning and an end. This fact urges you to be efficient about how you use time.And that what leads you to be productive.Especially you're wanting to lose weight and live a health lifestyle.

What is a personal growth achivement? (5 pts)?

I m not sure what it is so plz help thx!
Thx comment #1. :D.

Posted by …
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Personal growth and development enables you to reach high levels of achievement and attainment in every area of your life.

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