Developmental Areas for Employees

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Questions and Answers

Converting a corporate career into an NGO/developmental one?

I am a marketeer in a large MNC. Want to explore options in an NGO/Developmental sector. Am looking at organizations which are involved in micro-lending/ VC's which help entrepreneurs set up and run businesses. My understanding is that a lot of these organizations would need marketing/sales skills to be imparted to potential entrepreneurs, which is where I can fit in.

I need to understand the scope of this kind of work. I also want to know websites/ organizations that I can contact with regard to future employment.

Posted by Nakul P
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Wanting to work in a specific sector of industry is not enough – nonprofits have specific issues, and like any market with specific needs, looks for employees who are trained in understanding and meeting them. Your previous experience in corporations is great, but I suggest that before you concentrate on getting a job, step back and think about getting the fundamentals under your belt to make yourself a more attractive employee to the nonprofit sector. Take a relevant course, seminar or workshop, and not only will you get a good foundation for your future career but you will meet the people and start building a network that can more specifically answer your second question about which organizations are hiring in your specific area.

Can anyone PLEASE help me with this question?

I just received an employee performance Appraiser form from my job. I have been here for a year and this is my first one ever to fill out. I have filled in all the other questions but am struggling with the last one. I do not speak that good english and need help please! I'm a receptionist if that helps….

Identify key developmental and/or training areas in which you should focus on over the next year. Develop a plan to get formal or informal training in these areas.
I work for a health nutrition company and we have distrubutors that sale our products..if this helps. Thanks!

Posted by Gemini
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Hi Gemini!!

Below is an example of what you could write for your performance plan:

1) Improve your English
Development Plan: Take an "English as a Second Language" course.
2) Computer Skills
Development Plan: Take a computer course to help you with a particular software program, such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
3) Business Communication
Development Plan: Take a course to help you with your writing skills within the specific area of business you are in. For example: If you work for an Oil & Gas company, take a class in Oil & Gas terminology.


Questions on Mental Retardation?

Why is it not considered a disease?
What is the percentage of people who suffer from Mental Retardation.
What are some adaptive skills they use?
What do emplyers need to provide for anyone who is a retarded or disabled employee?
What does the public transportation system need to do?
What do hotels, resturants, and retailers need to provide?

Posted by Joyy
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A condition of incomplete or halted development of the mind, which is characterized by the impairment of skills as manifested during the developmental period that contributes to the overall level of intellegence(WHO)
Significantly below average intellectual functioning (IQ<70)with accompanying impairment in the person’s effectiveness in meeting standards expected of one’s age, as is expected by social and cultural influences in the following areas:communication, self-care, home living, social/ interpersonal skills,use of community resources,self-direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health and safety.
Mental retardation is classified by the degree of intellectual functioning as mild, moderate, severe and profound.
There are other physical defects associated with the mental retardation
Causative factors are genetic (chromosomal and inheritic) conditions, prenatal exposure to infections and toxins, prenatal trauma( example prematurity), acquired conditions and social factors .

Number of individuals differ in relation to the level of country development
In developing countries, the percentage of young persons aged 18 and below suffering from severe mental retardation reaches 4.6%, while in the developed countries, it is estimated to be between 0.5%-2.5%.

What can we done?

In general, people with mild and moderate mental retardation held the most flexibility to adapt to environmental conditions.
In most cases, the underlying intellectual impairment does not improve, yet the affected person’s level of adaptation can be positively influenced by an enriched and supportive environment.
The best treatment of mental retardation is primary, secondary and tertiary pervention.

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