Memories of Jose Silva

Hi friends,

Today is a very special day for the Silva Community around the world, it’s the birthday of Jose Silva.

This video is a compilation of some great memories of Jose Silva’s life, the founder of The Silva Method. Jose Silva was a businessman, athlete, artist, singer, educator, philosopher, the world’s leading scientist in the field of the mind and human potential, and the founder of the world’s number one mind development program.

Silva was the leader in the mind development field. He spent his entire lifetime developing his creative and intuitive abilities and teaching others to find their own abilities within themselves.

Here is a sweet note from Saralee , the cheerful grandchild of Jose (She is the one in his lap in the last picture of the video :p )

“Growing up as one of Jose Silva’s grandchild was a wonderful experience! Spending time with him and the rest of my family at the ranch is one of my fondest memories of my childhood. I remember my grandfather driving us around the ranch on his tractor, wavering in and out of the brush with me on his lap, pulling his other grandchildren in a big red wagon attached to his tractor. He was also very supportive of my creativity. When I was about three years old, I remember “decorating” the entire wall of the stairway, as far as I could reach with a Hello Kitty rubber stamp and while my mother was furious with me, my grandfather just smiled and complimented my creativity.”

Enjoy and share with us your thoughts about this incredible man who left one of the most valuable mind development research for the humanity.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Better and Better,

The Silva Team

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