A Key to Adventure: Reimagining Your Life

In my previous post, I wrote about living an adventurous life. There I wrote that a good life is a life of adventure. I also wrote that living an adventurous life requires you to take risks.

Here I’d like to share with you another side of it: living an adventurous life may require you to reimagine your life.

Why is that the case?

Well, because how you direct your life depends a lot on your imagination. Your imagination determines your possibilities. Your possibilities determine your aspirations. And your aspirations determine your actions.

I love to learn from the stories of great people. One thing I learned is that a defining characteristic of great people is their imagination. They dare to imagine a future that’s different from conventional wisdom. They dare to reimagine their realities.

This, by the way, is a key reason why learning history is important. This is what Yuval Harari wrote in Homo Deus:

Historians study the past not in order to repeat it, but in order to be liberated from it…  By observing the accidental chain of events that led us here, we realise how our very thoughts and dreams took shape –and we can begin to think and dream differently.

Studying the past helps you see the future differently. It helps you see alternative paths that you might never consider otherwise.

The fact is, progress comes from people who dare to imagine a different future. They know that there are possibilities out there that haven’t been explored. They know that there could be setbacks, but they are willing to take the risk. They are excited to go out of their comfort zone and explore the unknowns.

Do you want to live a good life? Live a life of adventure. Start with reimagining your life.

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