Areas for Growth

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Questions and Answers

Growth Hormone and Height?

I'm a 24-years old male and I want to use growth hormone to increase my height. Are there any negative side effects?

Posted by MAG
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Not all areas of growth remain switched on. There may be some height growth left in you but if it is already switched off then you will not gain height.

But, some areas of growth are always switched on, those ares that need constant repair through wear and tare for example. Your joints are one such area.

The growth harmone has a problem, it can not target particular areas but also it bypasses the body's own growth control, it is in addition to natural growth/repair. It is a bit like switching off your anti-virus and loading files, your protection has gone.

In the case of growth harmone it is now free to stimulate growth outside of the body's control, so you get excess growth on the knuckles/knees anywhere where there is a joint, resulting in arthritis pains.

Some people have natural excess growth harmone, they need inhibters to stop it in later life because of the risk of arthritis.

So I would say 'no' to harmones. But, do you like eggs? Fried, boiled, poached, there is a magic in eggs, they contain all the right stuff not only to help the body's repair kit but also for growth. Because it is digested it passes through the body's own control systems so that you don't get an excess of growth.

Growth spurt in which area? ?

Is it true growth spurts only happen in the legs? And spine growss as you age? Does that mean if i have a growth spurt it will all be in my legs?

Posted by sdaklfmsakldgm
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Growth spurts can happen in all areas of the body.

Overpopulation is only found in areas of high population growth, discuss!?!?

Need a little help with this essay as I'm a little stuck and cannot seem to come up with any information for/against… Any help would be great-fully accepted!

Posted by DJ
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The object of the essay is really to compare and contrast different population centres.

As an example, China has the largest population of any country worldwide, and has many cities and towns which are severely overpopulated. It also has large and open areas with low population densities. But because the State limits most of the population to having just one child per family it does not have a high population growth.

Compare that to the second most populous country, India. It has a huge rate of population growth and virtually all habitable parts of the country are overpopulated. The socio-political environment of India is such that it would be impossible to impose the birth limitation policies which China has.

China is able to try and even out the population density across the country by an aggressive program of construction of new towns, cities and the infrastructure to support them in areas previously considered uninhabitable. It also has a "soft colonisation" (my description) policy in sub-Saharan Africa where Chinese workers and companies are building new roads, ports and railways on a huge scale, and their workers often settle in those countries. Those settlers also don't need to follow the one child policy of their homeland.

The USA and Australia also have rapid population growth, but on the whole are certainly nowhere near overpopulated.

It's not just huge countries either: in Europe the highest population densities are found in the UK (England particularly) and Holland. Both countries are certainly becoming overpopulated and in both there has been a large population growth mostly from their relatively large immigrant communities. In contrast France also has a large population growth for the same reasons but has a far lower overall population density due it's much larger land area.

Hopefully you're getting some idea of what's involved. You'll need to research statistics and quote sources, and only you will know how far your essay needs to go into the widely varied factors which influence population growth and population sizes. But better healthcare and fewer large scale wars certainly promote population growth and density and the increased likelihood of future disease epidemics and food/resource shortages may become the major future limiting factors.

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