Articles on Life Skills

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Questions and Answers

Life skills program for MR children?

My brother is 14. And no day care will take him. I told my father to look for a life skills program to maybe help my brother for when the time comes that he needs to be independent. They are located in Houston, Texas. Actually they pretty much live next to Strawberry Park in Pasadena if that helps. But I was curious if anyone knew a life skills program or something that could help my brother out. My father is reluctant to do it and I don't live in Texas anymore. Thank you.
He is in school. He does attend public school. I'm looking for something more like a summer/after school program. This is all new to us so were just looking for information.

Posted by James H
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The school should be helping with this as part of his IEP. He should have services through the summer as well. Here a link to an excellent article regarding transition services. Http://…

Once your brother turned 14, they can begin starting the "transition process" preparing him for life outside of school.

"The law requires that the IEP team begin no later than age 14 to address the student's need for instruction that will assist him or her in preparing for transition. Beginning at age 16 (or younger, if determined appropriate by the IEP team), the IEP must contain a statement of needed transition services for the student, including, if appropriate, a statement of interagency responsibilities. This includes a coordinated set of activities with measurable outcomes that will move the student from school to post-school activities."

In our area the class he might be in is equiped with a kitchen, washer/dryer, etc… So that the students can be directly taught these life skills. The students are taken to different community sites for job training and tours. They might work at Domino's or Walmart for a few hours to try out that type of environment.

If you haven't already, contact the department for developmental disabilities. There are probably programs that your brother qualifies for. Http://…

To get more localized support and help, it's a really good idea to connect with a group like Family to Family. Http://
Often parents are a much better resource, as they've BTDT and can tell you how to access services, which programs are good, what to avoid, etc… Trust me, parents involved in a program like this are only too happy to help someone else.

Your Dad should really get started on this now. If your brother needs something like a group home or assisted living arrangement when he's older, he should probably be getting on waiting lists now, as they're often really long. Just because your name comes up doesn't mean you have to access that service, but better to have the option.

The links I gave you should provide plenty of information to get well on your way. The link in the source area is also full of valuable information.

Good Luck!

How to post My article here?

I am trying to be a blogger and want to write for thechnology blogs , How can I write for this Technology website.

Posted by susmita
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It requires life-skills, maturity and personal goals.

If you haven't covered these in your article (things like having an emergency fund, avoiding debt, buying a home instead of renting), then I would just do the world a favor and delete your article and start over.

If you have included these things, try to turn it into a book and get paid for it.

I have send to you some site:

Journal articles on the value of beauty pageants in society?

I have to do a research paper and my topic is the value of beauty pageants in society, and how it is not just about looks, it is not superficial and that it empowers women and gives them self-confidence and helps them gain important life skills. Where could i find good articles to back this up?

Posted by
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Look up articles on miss america… Also you might try to search for pageant websites and see testimonies on those, as well as finding out where a large group of girls who participate live and go through the local newpaper archives… I know there were a few articles about me and a few other girls in my town years and years ago when i competed.

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