Lena Dunham on Transcendental Meditation (Full Interview)
Lena Dunham on Transcendental Meditation (Full Interview)
No bird soars too high, if it soars with its own wings… — Friedrich Nietzsche
Lena Dunham on Transcendental Meditation (Full Interview)
Julie – How Transcendental Meditation Changed My Life
Transcending PTSD: Increasing Resiliency with Transcendental Meditation
Homelessness and Addiction Decrease with Transcendental Meditation
Laura – How Transcendental Meditation Changed My Life
Father Mejia on Transcendental Meditation and Catholicism
Doctors prescribe Transcendental Meditation to teenagers
The Transcendental Meditation technique uses the natural tendency of the mind to go toward greater happiness, so the mind effortlessly transcends to its most silent state. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, speaking Continue Reading →
Transcendental Meditation Programme Creates World Peace
University Student Talks About Transcendental Meditation