Transcendental Meditation, Judy Greer | In Short
Transcendental Meditation, Judy Greer | In Short
No bird soars too high, if it soars with its own wings… — Friedrich Nietzsche
Transcendental Meditation, Judy Greer | In Short
Maharishi answers the question: “Does Transcendental Meditation make you passive?” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Merv Griffin Show, spring 1975.
Dominica Prison takes up Transcendental Meditation
Transcending ADHD: Medication or Transcendental Meditation?
Dr. Norm Rosenthal discusses with Larry King the efficacy of transcendental meditation in treating post-traumatic stress disorder.
“It is a lifelong gift. It’s something that you can call on at any time. I think it’s a great thing.” — Paul McCartney
What is Transcendental Meditation?
Jerry Seinfeld Describes Transcendental Meditation
A winner in Major League Baseball of the 1970/1980s with the Philadelphia Phillies. They came from mediocrity to reach the very top of their game in 1980.Athletes need the confidence Continue Reading →