14 Replies to “Charles Stanley Our Personal Accountability sermon”

  1. Professing Christians need to STOP listening to heretical
    once-saved-always-saved Calvinism from heretics like Charles Stanley, Paul
    Washer, John Piper, John MacArthur, Charles Spurgeon, etc! These false
    teachers deny that Jesus can save us from sinning, etc. They teach a
    counterfeit holiness of the imputed righteousness of Christ, which gives
    sinners an excuse like original sin. The Bible teaches that if a true
    believer sows to please his sinful nature he’ll DIE (go to Hell) (Rom.8:13;
    Gal.6:8,9)! The prodigal is a clear example of this (Lk.15:24,32). The end
    result of sin is spiritual death, so DO NOT BE DECEIVED (James 1:14-16). If
    you claim to be a Christian and yet “sin everyday”, you are not cleansed (1
    Jn.1:5-7), and you don’t love Him (John 14:15). You must “go and sin no
    more” (Jn. 5:14,8:11)! ONLY if you TURN FROM SIN will He have mercy on you
    Christians today don’t like biblical preaching, they like ear tickling
    once-saved-always-saved heresy!

  2. What an eye opener ! I’ve always had god in my life but fallen away.I talk
    to him almost every day.I don’t live the life of accuntabilty after
    watching I realize how much my family needs me?My son is only 4 and I want
    more for him pray for me and my family. thank you Charles Stanley.Lov a
    child of God

  3. @ChrisCrossdresser If we don’t tithe to the church, then we are saying that
    we don’t think the church is worthy of our money. You should speak to the
    leaders of the church; deacons, the Pastor, and youth leaders to find out
    exactly where every dollar does or is being spent. I’m sure you won’t
    disagree with what they are doing with the money, because churches should
    have leaders or missionaries that go out and do work for the needy.

  4. I love this man. God bless I Charles. I love R.E.M. Pastors they help me
    alot. I also love my pastor. God bless. P.m. the lord says be a cheerful

  5. I know what you mean. Im not so much either. But you should listen to this
    guy. Pastor Stanley is a very humble sincere man. He truly knows how to
    relay the word of God in an awesome manner.

  6. Dr. Charles Stanley Poem of Faith, Accountability And Love Allow us to
    disciple whomever we can So they may impact the hearts and minds of others.
    Bless us with stories which inspire dedication To bolster the faith of our
    sisters and brothers. We don’t have to be a pastor or priest, just
    Christian To be chosen, “Mailman For The Lord.” He gives us verse which
    elevates and renews Our tribute for blessings we could never afford. By
    God’s Poet Tom Zart Most Published Poet On The Web!

  7. Dr. Charles Stanley = MAILMAN FOR THE LORD! Through faith, love, prayer and
    compliance we can succeed Overcoming the demands and falsehoods of strife.
    We must dedicate our deeds to love, honor and defend Our faith, our family,
    country and values of life. We must sing of God’s power, love and
    forgiveness How He is both Father of Heaven and Earth. Broadcasting our
    need to submit to His will So we may improve our attitude and worth. By

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