Do You Believe in What You Do?

One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.
~ John Stuart Mill

Do you want to live a fulfilling life? There is one requirement: you must believe in what you do.

Believing in what you do is powerful. As the quote above says, it can make you as powerful as many people who have only interests. It can make your life fulfilling. It can also give you grit: passion and perseverance for long-term goals.

Let’s now look at the opposite. Here are four signs of not believing in what you do:

  1. You do it only for the money.
  2. You need other people’s approval to keep doing it.
  3. You are easily distracted along the way.
  4. You don’t feel excited about it.

Though I still have a long way to go, I believe in what I do here at Life Optimizer. Related to the four signs above:

  1. I didn’t start this website to make money. I simply believed in the mission. Only later did I make money and become self-employed.
  2. I had no audience in the beginning. For months, I wrote as if I spoke to an empty room. But I kept writing. Why? Because I believe in what I do.
  3. I have been writing at Life Optimizer since 2006. As of this writing, that means I have been writing here for 12 years! There is no way I can do that if I don’t believe in what I do.
  4. After so many years, I’m still passionate about optimizing life. I still have the fire in my heart.

As you can see, believing in what you do is powerful. It can make you do things that are not possible otherwise.

What about you? Do you believe in what you do?

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