“Spiritual Pride” is thinking that we are better than others because we are working on ourselves and know several spiritual laws.
We don`t realize that this pride contradicts what we are learning, it makes us judge others and forget our oneness with all that exists.
Spiritual pride is made of the fears of our ego.
In the meditation we go beyond the fears and insecurities of the ego to reach the pride of our true self.
A pride that does not judge, which recognizes all around as our teachers, which knows that everyone can teach us something if we are willing to learn.
We remenber that we are a divine being with multiple and wonderful capabilities; but we also see beyond appearances and find the same divine essence in everything and everyone around us.
We change the ego pride for the pride of our real being. A pride that does not separate; but unites and instead of being based on fear is based on love.
I hope you find it useful.
Thank you for sharing your spiritual path.