How to Build Confidence and Self Esteem

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Questions and Answers

How do I build Confidence and Self Esteem?

I have a very low confidence and self esteem problem. It seems no matter what I say to myself or others say to me I still think negitivly. My family is the Worst of them all. They are all Negitive Backstabbing, disrepectful people who are constantly putting me down and making me feel like crap. Im in counseling now but Im not sure what to do I hate going out and feeling like Iam completley worthless. This isent a cry for help I just need some advice Please help.

Posted by clouddragonforever
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Try to be more confident and find YOU ARE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF! Loving and accepting ourselves is THE MOST CRITICAL FACTOR in experiencing joy,happiness, and success in life. When you really love yourself and you really love other people, you find that life is really an incredible journey where things flow, and no matter what happens you always find a way to enjoy yourself and you feel fulfilled. You MUST love yourself completely.
This determines your STANDARDS for what you are willing to accept or settle for. It determines how well you treat your body and your health, how much money you feel you deserve to earn or feel you can make, your belief in whether you can achieve your goals, how much others RESPECT you and how they treat you, and even whether people like you and want to be around you. People love being around confident people. You see, confident people do not feel the need to judge you or tear you down in order to elevate their own self-worth. They radiate a positive energy. You feel safe around them. You need to consistently and confidently take action to move towards your goals, and towards your ultimate destiny. People who lack in confidence often get ‘stuck’. So you see, your entire DESTINY is shaped by your degree of confidence. True self-confidence comes from an absolute sense of certainty deep within, that you are able to handle anything life throws your way. Truly confident people exude calm, control, power, certainty. They care about people, and they make people feel good when they are around them.They never brag – after all, actions speak louder than words. People who brag are just masking their insecurities. People have varying degrees of confidence depending on what activity they are performing. For example, someone might be totally confident in performing a piano concert, or driving a car, but feel totally inadequate at a new job they’ve started, or at flirting with members of the opposite sex. People with Total Self-Confidence, though, have complete belief in themselves. They never ask themselves “Can I really do this? What if this doesn’t work out? Am I good enough to pull it off?” They know that if they really want something, and they are committed to getting it, it will happen. They know that it’s just a question of time until they’ve mastered the skills and knowledge to make whatever they want a reality.

How Can I Build My Confidence And Self Esteem?

My confidence has never been high and neither has my self esteem. The only problem is that now my confidence and esteem has dropped again soo low. Everything people say or the subtle body language is hitting my harder than normal…

How can i build my confidence and maintain it and how can i build my self esteem?

Thank you for the help, i really appreciate it.
i went to see my dance tutor for a book today and she gave me it… I took notes and then went to return it to her and she saw me as i was waiting for someone to answer coz its rude to just walk in, and she rolled her eyes as in to say oh my god she's back.. I really dont want this to be aimed at me and i hope its paranoia because she is one of my role models with my dancing….

Its things like that from people i look up too which really really do hurt me…
I am 18 years old by the way.
I do feel much better in black clothing lol… But it is everything, i hate how i look, i hate that i arent confident, i hate that i keep thinking that i am burdening my friends, i hate that i always feel as though my performance tutors are talking and laughing about me behind my back, i hate that i have no clothes, i hate that i have so many barriers which stop me from accepting people's compliments, i hate that when people say compliments i feel as though they are saying them through obligation because they are my friends…

Im sorry, i could go on but then i would be burdening you and i will feel all emotional… I always cry when i talk about my lack of confidence… Sorry..

Posted by Ker!
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Hello 🙂 Ker,

This is a sad state of affairs you have got your self in an i am sorry to hear you are feeling so low in spirit.
I myself have also been like you due to an accident I was in almost two years ago but i am still recovering slowly an getting to rise above the problems that have been facing me.

I don't know what your finances are so this may or may not help you?
Take yourself window shopping an try on many new outfits find things you would not normally wear an put them on, make yourself look for other images an find something for yourself that is so far removed from the person you are that it makes you smile if that works then seriously consider buying it an wearing it out to some place like a restaurant an treat yourself to a slap up meal an do anything you would not normally have thought of doing. What this adds up to is role playing, you can pretend to be who ever you want so long as it is a brake away from the old self that you know. It is an unusual step to take but in the end it is not you but a role you are playing for the fun element after awhile you will forget what it was that was getting you down as you will be having to much fun pretending to be someone else for the day, Make a party of it invite others to do the same relaunch your self an go full steam ahead. In the end it is who you really feel your self to be that matters, you should never worry about what others think of you as they are not the ones who live with you, it is how you see yourself in a mirrior that matters put on your best cloths and dress the way you would wish others to see you at your best an get a picture of that person taken then hang it on every door in the house if you can to remind you of who you want to be an accept the person in the picture is you an when you can do that you have won the battle but also consider the other option also as if you can laugh at yourself dressed in something outof this world so to speak then laugh at the way it makes you feel then always try to remember that moment in your head life will never be so bad again.

How can i build up my confidence?(self-esteem)?

I have very low self esteem and i just found out that my mom said she noticed it when i was like 4 when i would look in the mirror and say how ugly i was… the way Im a 17 year old guy!

Posted by skatelate113
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Try to be more confident and find YOU ARE HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF! Loving and accepting ourselves is THE MOST CRITICAL FACTOR in experiencing joy,happiness, and success in life. When you really love yourself and you really love other people, you find that life is really an incredible journey where things flow, and no matter what happens you always find a way to enjoy yourself and you feel fulfilled. You MUST love yourself completely.
This determines your STANDARDS for what you are willing to accept or settle for. It determines how well you treat your body and your health, your belief in whether you can achieve your goals, how much others RESPECT you and how they treat you, and even whether people like you and want to be around you. People love being around confident people. You see, confident people do not feel the need to judge you or tear you down in order to elevate their own self-worth. They radiate a positive energy. You feel safe around them. You need to consistently and confidently take action to move towards your goals, and towards your ultimate destiny. People who lack in confidence often get ‘stuck’. So you see, your entire DESTINY is shaped by your degree of confidence. True self-confidence comes from an absolute sense of certainty deep within, that you are able to handle anything life throws your way. Truly confident people exude calm, control, power, certainty. They care about people, and they make people feel good when they are around them.They never brag – after all, actions speak louder than words. People who brag are just masking their insecurities. People have varying degrees of confidence depending on what activity they are performing. For example, someone might be totally confident in performing a piano concert, or driving a car, but feel totally inadequate at a new job they’ve started, or at flirting with members of the opposite sex. People with Total Self-Confidence, though, have complete belief in themselves. They never ask themselves “Can I really do this? What if this doesn’t work out? Am I good enough to pull it off?” They know that if they really want something, and they are committed to getting it, it will happen. They know that it’s just a question of time until they’ve mastered the skills and knowledge to make whatever they want a reality.

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