How to Make the Most of the Rest of This Year


We are now only a couple weeks away from the new year. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get anything done during this time, though. Even during the holiday season, you can still make the most of your time. Let’s finish this year strong!

Here are some tips on how to do that.

1. Finish Your Project

Yes, there are only a few days left, but you can make the most of them to finish your project. In fact, the sense of urgency could boost your productivity.

In my case, I want to make my apps ready for the new year. Some of them are ready, but some of them aren’t. I’m now working on them.

2. Review the Past Year

You don’t have to wait until New Year’s Eve to do this. You can start reviewing the past year now. Especially during the holiday season, you can take a fresh look at how your year has been.

What have you done right? What has gone wrong? What lessons could you learn from them?

3. Read Good Books

A useful activity during the holiday is reading good books. Because your mind is clear, you can read them with a fresh perspective.

So spend some time to find good books to read. Find books that will inspire and challenge you. Find books that can level up your life in the coming year.

4. Spend Quality Time with Your Loved Ones

The main focus of your holiday should be your loved ones. You might not spend as much time as you’d like with them during the year, but now is a good opportunity to do that.

Make sure you have quality time, though. How? By giving them your full attention. A good way to do that is by putting your gadgets away when you are with them.

5. Think About the Coming Year

Because your mind is clear, it’s a good time to think about how your next year should be. New Year’s Eve is too short a time to do that. Instead, take your time and make meaningful conclusions.

6. Give

We all need to develop a heart of giving. So share your happiness with others and make a difference.


Those are six ways to make the most of the rest of this year.

Any thoughts? Feel free to share them in the comments.

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