I am the resurrection and the life

Easter represents a time of spiritual renewal and rebirth. The story of Jesus’ resurrection symbolizes the potential for each one of us to awaken to our own divinity and overcome the limitations of the material world. Just like the oak tree sleeps in the acorn, the Divine sleeps within us. The resurrection of the Christ in man refers to the awakening of the divine spark within each of us. This divine spark is the seed of our spiritual nature. Our work is to cultivate it and make it bloom. Easter, then, is a time to focus on this inner awakening and blooming and to work on developing our spiritual nature.

Remembering that the idea of Easter is to focus on our own spiritual resurrection and rebirth, how may we get started?  Begin by initiating new daily rhythms. Call it habits, if you want. Which habit should we acquire? Here is an idea.

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. Jesus said, „I am the resurrection and the life.“ Translated into simple, actionable words, this statements means, „My consciousness resurrects = makes alive that which I am conscious of being.“ Everything you see in your life is caused by the power of your consciousness. Your consciousness is the cause of everything that appears in your life.  You are incapable of seeing anything but the contents of your consciousness. Please reread the last sentence. When you open your eyes you see nothing but the contents of your consciousness. The way to change your outer life is to change your inner consciousness. 

The Divine within us speaks to us by means of our lofty dreams and desires. The way to resurrect your desires – in the sense of making them come visibly alive – is to become conscious of being, having and doing whatever you dream of, using the power of imagination to do so. You desire more abundance? Become conscious of being abundant by imagining being abundant, and the manifestation will follow. You desire health and happiness? Become conscious of being happy and healthy by imagining being so, and the manifestation will follow. First comes the consciousness, then comes the manifestation. In that order. 

Once our material desires are taken care of, the idea is to desire Spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The procedure is always the same. First comes the consciousness, then comes the manifestation. Get the consciousness of being an awakened Soul and enlightened Master, and you will resurrect the atoms of your bodies (change their spin from involution to evolution). Consciousness is the cause. The visible manifestation is the effect of that invisible cause. Consciousness is the only reality. You are forever outpicturing your inner state of consciousness. So don’t let the Festival of Easter go by without making a conscious commitment, here and now, to get into the habit of raising your consciousness and living the life of your dreams in your consciousness, disregarding the outer world altogether. The outer world just shows you what you are conscious of being. The way to change the outer world is to change the inner world. The Kingdom is within you. Let it bloom.

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