Juicing vs. Blending which has a higher concentration of nutrients?

A new study reveals green juice has up to twice the concentration of key nutrients as green smoothies visit http://www.juicingscience.com/ to find out all of…

27 Replies to “Juicing vs. Blending which has a higher concentration of nutrients?”

  1. This is absolute BS. “Twice the concentration” is just advertising spin
    that actually means “more vitamins per serving”. Of course there are less
    servings in juice; you literally remove all the fiber (which by the way,
    inhibits your body’s ability to curb the amount of sugar that is absorbed,
    causing a huge insulin spike). The icing on the cake is all their “lab
    tests” were paid for in full by Breville, THE COMPANY THAT MAKES THIS
    JUICER. Don’t be fooled by pretty websites with graphs and charts, trust
    your common sense, and ACTUAL science. This is absolutely a scam.

  2. What a dreadful, intentionally misleading ad. Crap like this does nothing
    more than give your company a bad name. The Marketing Monkeys who dreamed
    it up need to be fired, as well as the Pointy Haired Idiot who signed the

  3. lol so just because juicing is faster it produces 2x the concentration of
    some vitamins? tbh I myself own a juicer and a blender and I love to mix
    both of the drinks or one day I’ll have a blended drink and the other a
    juice….can’t go wrong with either.

  4. For me it’s juicing all the way! I understand the whole fiber thing and I
    just prefer to eat a salad and drink a delicious glass of fresh juiced
    apples and carrots etc. instead of sucking it all out of a glass.

  5. LIE, big fat L I E, juicing disposes the fiber plus some vitamins in it,
    blending just uses everything in the fruit/vegetable with no disposals.

  6. Breville this commercial is ridiculous, especially since you have juicers
    in your arsenal of products you manufacture.

  7. Takes longer to clean the juice than it does to make and drink the juice.
    So much waste with a juicer. I have both and live my Ninja blender. You can
    make a ton of stuff in it and cost a fraction of the juicer. Most
    importantly….EASY CLEAN UP

  8. Lol how Can this advertisement even try to pretend a juicer is more
    convenient than making a smoothie. If you use a juicer you need to wash
    after each use and let me tell you, it sucks.. Yes.. you have to clean a
    blender too but it’s not even comparable. Also I just wanted to add that
    the real nutrients and fiber that appeal to people health wise are blended
    into a smoothie whereas a juicer tosses them aside. It doesn’t even make
    sense to think juicing>blending.

  9. I love how the Vitamix drink is lumpy. All my Vitamix smoothies come out
    like silk. My daily smoothie makes me feel fantastic and virtually cured my
    IBS. If I used a juicer instead I’d have the squirts all day. No thanks! 

  10. Breville, I own a ton of your kitchen appliances. I also own a Vitamix
    (seen to the right in this commercial). I had respect for your company.
    Juicing is NOT as healthy as blending the entire fruit/apple/whatever into
    a smoothie. That big bucket to the left that strains so much out? Yea thats
    the stuff you WANT in your health drink. PS: Be real and put it VS the totl
    Vitamix. The Pro750 will turn anything into a drink so fine It’ll have the
    same consistency of a juicer. Good luck in your war vs the best blender on

  11. When he says green drinks look the same don’t they the look nothing alike
    so stop doing the fucking advertisment it is getting old

  12. I love juicing and blending. But this commercial is kind of BS. Anyone who
    owns a Vitamix knows it can totally obliterate anything and turn it into a
    smooth drink. It looks like they turned it on for like 3 seconds just to
    make the juicer look superior. Come on now!!!! Breville you don’t need to
    do that.

  13. juicing fruits and veggies is not only less healthy than eating said fruit
    and vegetable, but its also a waste. you juice an apple, all you get it
    sugar and water content of the fruit. with some nutrients. what is left is
    the fiber and the other nutrients in the skin and pulp. not to mention
    juicing goes through all your fruits and veggies in one full swoop.

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