Listen..This Will Change Your Life – The Strangest Secret

Subscribe to: The Strangest Secret 1956 – Documentary | Motivational Video. Earl Nightingale (March 12, 1921 — March 28…

50 Replies to “Listen..This Will Change Your Life – The Strangest Secret”

  1. Absolute New Age Garbage! LOL… this is Earl Nightingale (Freemason)
    speaking… the Law of Attraction is an old SCAM that has no basis in

    It is pure mythology for the gullible. When one is positive happy one is
    more present naturally and so their confidence soars… it is through one’s
    own efforts that success happens NOT any LAW of attraction. If you follow
    this philosophy YOU WILL FAIL. Nightingale even says it. And I say you will
    fail following this coz this misses the point and leads one astray through
    the myth of the Secret or Law of attraction.

    If you “believe” in YOURSELF and OTHERS and have a “desire” to succeed in
    all that you do YOU WILL because of your FAITH and not any mythical “law”.
    Time to “strip” the religious (New Age superstition) out of this and just
    state facts. Nightingale developed this speal directly out of “Think And
    Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937). There is NO SECRET.

    If you have not figured out being positive is one tool for success yet…
    listening to this, buying any self help cd or reading any book will NEVER
    help you. Napoleon Hill (1937). There is NO SECRET. If you have not figured
    out being positive is one tool for success yet… listening to this, buying
    any self help cd or reading any book will NEVER help you.

  2. If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “first Attempt In
    – End is not the end, if fact E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies”
    – If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means “Next Opportunity”.
    So Let’s be positive and let’s live life to the fullest. 

  3. Some of this may be fine. Much of it based on reality even. But at 13:00
    he says “science has proved that most of us use only 10% of our mind” or
    whatever. Okay, this is old. But that stat is oft-repeated and widely
    accepted. And false.
    It’s based, I think, on brain scans that showed activity in limited
    areas of the brain *at any given time*. (I must qualify that with “I
    think” because, though it’s often stated, it seldom has “according to this
    research at that university” cited alongside. Just “scientific studies
    have shown…”)
    But for speaking the activity is j% in one area. For listening, x% in
    one area. For analyzing, y% in another area. For controlling hands for an
    activity, z% in several areas., etc etc etc…different areas. And over
    all? Pretty much your whole brain.
    Thanks for bothering to read this far. I hope you consider this.

  4. ok guys here is my situation – I am 24, bought house 2 years ago, own 3
    cars paid off, finished collage

    I will be a successful real estate investor, that is what i want to do with
    my life- my goal is to have 25 rentals before i reach 35 years of age.

    my issue – I have about 2,600 in credit card debt that is on my mind all
    the time, its like i can’t stop thinking about it, i will be paid off in
    the next 3 months guaranteed.

    Should i wait till its paid off to get started on my long turn goal, or
    should i start now, its hard because of the credit card is on my mind all
    the time, its stressing me out, I’m worried that if i start before its paid
    off it will mess me up because it will be even harder to focus on my goal
    knowing i have credit card debt.

    any thought, any ideas, thanks in advance 

  5. *This will turn your life upside-down, are you ready to accept the truth of
    *Click “The Present” on www○Truthcontest○Com for the truth of life in 3
    *It is an open contest on what the truth is, submit an entry if you have
    the answers.*

  6. Holy shit..
    I was thinking about life purpose..What am i going to do for a living..What
    do i love? And i was thinking “Why can’t i find it,Why?” But now i see..I
    need to be positive.. 

  7. The biggest secret I’ve discovered is this:
    We are lucky collections of matter given temporary animation through
    various biochemical processes which will decay, return to the earth and be
    forgotten forever. Life has no meaning or purpose in the sense of how we
    think of those words; but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless. In fact life
    is very rare in the universe, consciousness is exceedingly rare, and more a
    quirk of existence than a norm. Whether it’s a curse to have it is up for
    debate. As to the individual — you need to figure out what is important
    to you, not what you’ve been told to want from life. If you want to work
    all your life so you can (maybe) retire when you’re too old to enjoy it,
    that’s what you should do. Just remember, we’re only highly evolved
    mammals, don’t try to live a pre-planned life. Remember too, you’re going
    to die and eventually be forgotten — if that depresses you it’s because it
    shatters illusory preconceptions about what life is supposed to be.
    Personally once I accepted this and came out the other side, it was a

  8. for those who are dreaming to live a successful life !
    for those who stopped dreaming for any reason !

    listen and continue dreaming >>>

    Enjoy 🙂 

  9. Success is realizing who you are,that is why you are here,not amassing
    piles of cash or goods that others covert and would steal from you,
    disturbing your peace of mind.
    Whats the point of being a rich person in the graveyard?
    If you realize yourSelf then enough will be provided for your welfare.

  10. Bruce Baker, why are you so bothered by mere mention of God. Live and let
    live. Some people believe God created all creatures including humans. And
    one of those humans was Earl Nightingale. You may believe they were
    created by The Itself out of nothing, and that is OK too.

  11. simply put, you get what you give. nothing is impossible. “talent” is just
    someone who was a regular person with a dream and worked at that dream
    every single day until it became a reality. you can do what ever u want to

  12. I hate the fucking human species with every damn fiber of my being! I am
    ashamed to be a human , my heart is in agony that I have to be associated
    with this destructive race. When I die and I’m free from this agony that
    will be a wonderful day! Oh I am all for helping this planet but
    unfortunately at this point in time it means annihilating the human
    disgrace failure species from it so it can rebuild and restart. How am I
    supposed to stay positive when I know there is no hope for this planet
    until the human species is wiped clean!
    MANKIND WILL NOT CHANGE! We will continue down a spiral path of our own
    destruction. I am very sorry that some people think there is hope. There
    is NONE and that is 100 % truth unless something snaps.

  13. i am away from my own family, for a year ive been lonely,so much self pity,
    i had all the negativity inside my mind….then i happen to watch
    LOA…watching this made me reconstruct my mind…because of this i am so
    hopeful,happy.and full of belief. i am thankful for this :)

  14. I have goals…very high goals…
    Truth is….get ready to become an outcast, a hermit, a loner and fucking
    face uber isolation working towards said goals.
    I couldnt feel more lost in my life, and yet…i love it…cause im working
    towards those “goals” :D

  15. What you are really seeking is *The Truth about Life & Death*.

    Go to www•TruthContest•com and read “The Present”

  16. sure no mention of the global wide plague of corporatist monopolists that
    prevents the regular joe from competing as a result of enacted legislation
    passed into laws that prohibits Joe from competing with the globalists
    while Joe’s available fruits of his labor are rapidly being confiscated at
    a rate he cannot never regain considering the rate of overt and covert
    inflation taxes….how old is this audio? when there was less monopolist
    corporations? likely sounds like a 70’s type accent and frame of reference
    based perspective…

  17. The other 70 men were broke but had big family’s and happy lives even tho
    they were broke from there children,these child went on to be 3000 men and
    women, the 5 guys and 1 that had heaps of cash they ended up with only 7
    sons and 5 daughters those people tried to rule the world and ended up
    getting there asses kicked by the 3000 people and that 3000 lived happy in
    a free world with out money.

  18. A strong message that brings many a new points to my attention. Although
    through years of experience i can speak of this matter on a leveled mind
    set. Just because you have a goal does not mean you have to sit back and
    hope. Its the same as the ship with no destination. You know you wan to go
    to Hawaii but if you don’t get a map and plan your trip you’ll never make
    it. A vision is the start but a moped out plan will execute the vision 100%
    of the time. You must be the hardest working man or women in your field.
    Stead of relaxed and calm approach you must be dedicated and focused. 

  19. Could somebody please help me with this?

    I am attending a vocational school in Austria and I am learning a lot of
    different things for information technology. These are 3D-Animation, video
    editing, photo shooting and editing, app programming and web design.

    My problem is, I find all of them really interesting. Each of them has its
    unique thing I like about it. I will probably start going to work next year
    but I have no idea for what job I should apply. So it’s like I have a
    variety of goals to choose from and which one to pick. I don’t know which
    one will make me happy in the long run…

  20. Humans shouldn’t even have to work. Its all slavery. We have a right to
    land, food and every splendour of life. But the government and the
    cooperations harbour it all. I agree with the law of attraction though. 

  21. Suburbanite middle class bullshit. Try telling the worse off in the world
    that all they need is a single goal, like survive another year without
    starving to death. Wow, you made it another year. Congratulations. He even
    brings up the Roman Empire because that ended well, right? Ignoring the
    external larger system that controls the masses and just want to be a
    salesman is naive, selfish and complicit in corporate cruelty, 


  23. Yeah they’ve been studying this stuff for years and years just to feed us
    bullshit this is absolutely true you underestimate themind drastically

  24. A lot of people here missing the point of this video…..because of there
    negative mindset….and see what happens…..they get enemies because of
    beeing like that….wish everybody the best life….remember you are not
    forced to listen…

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