Natural Cures for IBS

IBS is a perfect example of how dis-ease that Western medicine has failed to cure can be eliminated by treating the whole person — the mind, body and spirit. This episode explains how IBS can be cured, not just treated, through holistic health and living.

For more information on natural treatments for IBS, visit Holistic Health & Living.
Articles from 21st Century Apothecary have been re-posted there in the same order of publication. You can also find articles using site search.

Music “Hope” (remixed) by Deimost, from the album “Space Sadness” (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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47 Replies to “Natural Cures for IBS”

  1. I know many here find it hard and it is hard to deal with it I have it to
    but while many of you oppose I leave it all in the hands of my savior and
    king Jesus Christ I know many don’t have a religion or belief of some type
    but god has done many things in my life and I’m thankfull I don’t have
    anything that will end my life. Know I’m working on releasing stress and
    loving God Goodluck to all of you and may God bless you all and help you
    find the way and the solution

  2. You think having too much sex can cause IBS? I could never believe that.
    Could you give me some evidence for that? The idea that cold causes IBS
    also sounds laughable to me. I have a stepson who suffers from this
    condition, so I’m looking for some answers.

    I believe his condition is caused mainly by him eating a lot of refined
    carbs….with many artificial things combined with a lack of naturals.

    I love the tip about the aloe vera btw… I’ve read it can be helpful…

  3. Great vid ! Sex is actually good for IBS as it relieves stress and can be
    used as a work out directly for bowel movements. It is not good to engage
    sex right after eating or on a full stomach. It will only upset the
    digestive process.

  4. I took medicine for Helicobacter pylori, about a year ago. Now, I suffer
    from IBS, my triggers are stress, and coffee, and chilli peppers among
    others. I am desperately looking for relief. How can you cleanse your gut
    from yeast, and other bad bacteria without getting rid of the good
    bacteria. Any ideas anyone. My many visists to my MD have proven to be

  5. My goal is to help educate people on health. Medicine is undergoing big
    change. It’s a mess. Come to and learn about why many
    treatments are still only treating the symptom (in the medical philosophy
    section), thus leaving the deeper imbalance not addressed. Watch my video
    on Intestinal dysbiosis and see what else you can do to strengthen your
    body. I also teach about other factors which are not being addressed in
    the management of illness. Health is a process. So is understanding the
    philosophy of medicine which is a must if you want to be well. Health,
    it’s your only true source of wealth.

  6. all of the dieting tea’s and stuff is cool….but i also need to gain
    weight…you said nothing about foods…i still need to eat here….

  7. Hi, great video..i got a problem maybe you can help me…I don’t pass bowl
    with out enema so enema became very importent to me I’ve always had chronic
    constipation all my life and started doing enema not to long ago and i was
    so happy that i had found a solution to my constipation enema was working
    for me just fine..until a few weeks ago now i need some help I’ve been
    doing coffee enema once a week for 4 months now. but my last 4 enemas are
    making my lower abdomen swollen with alot of lower back pain. i’m not sure
    what it is. my stomach is very swollen and growing more and more after
    each enema i’m getting a belly really fast,it feels like inflammation &
    very discomfort..i stop my coffee enema and change to

    aloe vera juice with olive oil enema to see if that helps still the same.
    what should i do? thank you 

  8. I have IBS since 2 years and frequenting the toilet 6-7 times per day. I am
    eating a healthy diet and taking immodium,& diarex sometimes to control it.
    However it is difficult to leave the house and I cannot have a normal life.
    Would be grateful if you can advise a solution. Thanks.

  9. The only thing you really need to build muscle mass is a complete protein
    source. Eggs are widely considered the best protein source on the planet,
    because they contain all nine essential amino acids: Luceine, Isoluceine,
    Valine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, and
    Hystidine. As long as you do not add milk and cheese to them, you will be
    fine. Check out my blog for more information on this topic.

  10. I suffer from ibs too it’s so emberrassing! i’m a freshman in college and i
    can’t make friends because no one wants to talk/ sit next to me. i always
    stay away i sit in the back away from everybody because i have flaucent and
    my stomach makes these wierd noises everyday…. ughh its sucks sometimes i
    feel so bad i just can’t take it anymore. i hate it ;/

  11. Ok so since I can’t big meals or eat any of those things. What can I eat
    that helps me build muscle mass, but won’t mess with my IBS? 🙁

  12. I’m sorry to hear that you are suffering so much. You definitely need a
    social life, it helps to relieve stress. What treatment methods have you
    tried so far?

  13. I’m not sure you’ll read this, as well as if it’s appropriate to say. But
    thank you. I am generally an emotionally strong person, but sometimes I
    hate having IBS to the point of thinking of suicide. It’s the only thing
    that sets me off. It hurts, and I can’t even enjoy a meal that’s not home
    cooked. I’m just glad to know I’m not alone in this pain.

  14. Have you tried any of the herbs mentioned in the video – peppermint,
    fennel, triphala, or chamomile?

  15. i fucken hate having IBS , at times i just think its better to kill myself
    , its so hard to have a social life , how is a person suppose to live
    without a life, nothing works

  16. check google for Iberogast. ask the doctor about it, also organic apple
    cider vinegar seems to be helpful. take everything after doctors advice..

  17. ha no im sorry i was so worked up yesterday , my doctor hasnt told me i
    have IBS idk why but i know i do now, at first he gave me a diharea diet
    and that did not work , then he gave me pills for heart burn , i feel like
    he is just messing with me , but im starting this diet today , because
    yestersday i got constipated so decided to work out and did not help at
    all, but so far i feel no cramping with this diet , thank you

  18. Yes, you can. There will be no negative interaction between the herbs and
    the homeopathic preparations, simply because homeopathy uses extremely
    dilute solutions to stimulate a response. All of the herbs and aromatherapy
    oils mentioned in the video can be used in concert, with no ill affect.

  19. I’d never heard of kefir being taken for IBS before. Thank you for the
    suggestion! I hope it benefits someone.

  20. Those suffering from IBS often encounter painful stomach cramping when the
    weather turns cold; these cramps usually lead to pseudodiarrhea (aka
    hyperdefecation). It’s an extremely unpleasant condition, as I’m sure you
    can imagine.

  21. check google for Iberogast. ask the doctor about it, also organic apple
    cider vinegar seems to be helpful. take everything after doctors advice..

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