Personal and Professional Development Articles

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Questions and Answers

Is this a good personal statement to put on my CV?

I believe that being reliable and working hard are the bare minimum requirements in order to achieve. I enjoy working with the public, meeting people, and confident enough to be able to deal with difficult situations in a calm and professional manner. Although I already have high standards of literacy and numeracy, I’m also very committed to continuous personal development and always willing and eager to learn. I’m able to make fast decisions when dealing with unexpected situations or emergencies. These last two points makes me an ideal person to have in very busy shopping periods or when at times under staffed. I’m very interested and am currently looking for a suitable sales assistant vacancy that offers plenty of variety and responsibility.

And also im currently singed to a modelling agency but its not a full time job its just they'll phone me up a few times a month for casting, how can i put that into words ie my CV as a job but hint like im still fully available to work


Posted by Saigon92
A question for medical professionals, esp peds?

My ped wants my 2-yo to having a fasting lipid level and UA for cholesterol screening, bc there is a FH of high cholesterol. I am an MD as well, and this seems a bit over the top. What would he do w/ the info? I'm not putting him on statins at age 2, and if it's "just to keep an eye on it", can't we wait till he's older?

Also, how do you get a clean catch UA on a kid in diapers?

Does the AAP recommend this? Thanks in advance.
I AM an MD, i looked on the AAP website, talked to a couple people, and directed this questions to not the general public, but docs who might know how the answer.
I did think it odd they ordered a UA, but they did, along with fasting lipid level and a CBC.
I also looked on webmd – i plan on calling my doc today, but i know they'll say he needs it, otherwise why order it?

Posted by HoyaDoc
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I found the following article for your very interesting question.

How Early Should You Get Your Cholesterol Checked?
Monday November 12, 2007

Some recent news has raised the question as to when cholesterol levels need to be checked. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, and with heart disease being the number one cause of death in the US, lowering cholesterol early is a special concern to prevent heart disease.

The current guidelines set forth by the National Cholesterol Education Program state that cholesterol should be checked at least every five years when you turn twenty years of age. However, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal suggests that healthcare providers should begin to check cholesterol levels in children as young as 15 months of age!

The study seemed to be most concerned about a form of high cholesterol known as familial hypercholesterolemia, which is rare and mostly runs in families. Although children and young adults may have this condition and have high cholesterol, it often isn't checked because cholesterol screening isn't included in a child's physical. The researchers, however, found that screening children between the ages of one and nine years of age was the most effective in discovering this condition.

I wouldn't add a cholesterol screening to your physical and child's immunization schedule just yet. This is just one study, and more need to be performed to look further into this. I suppose the question I have is this: What happens if your 15 month child has high cholesterol? Would they be placed on medication at an early age? Would they need to restrict the amount of fat in their diet? These are questions that would need to be addressed, so definitely stay tuned on this budding subject.


Things to consider about cholesterol. High cholesterol aside from being genetics can come mostly from the kinds of foods we eat.

You know very well that all children need the essential fatty acids for their normal growth and development. Try to establish healthy eating habits for the whole family. Try to incorporate fruits and vegetables; beans and whole grains at an early age. Carrots ,nuts esp almonds; and celery sticks can be adapted as finger foods instead of candies and desserts. Exercise and lots of water is impt.

How to catch a clean urine specimen?. You can ask the doctor for one of those sticky plastic container that you can put on the baby inside the diaper. The best time to catch this would be be first thing in the morning before any feeding. . Of course, it's so much easier to collect this from a baby boy obviously.

UA can be done for ketones. Ketones are metabolic end products of fatty acid metabolism. In healthy individuals, ketones are formed in the liver and are completely metabolized so that only negligible amounts appear in the urine

There are cholesterol digital meters ( blood) available now in the market that can measure cholesterol reading; much is like the glucometer for diabetcis but it only records total cholesterol. Not the HDL or the LDL.

In my personal opinion, for a 2 year-old, cholesterol testing is unnecessary and inaccurate Even to just establish a reference baseline All children are at their parent's descretion in their diet selection and eating habits. . Most of our cholesterol is derived from foods

Besides, most of their nutrients and calories consumed will be synthesized for energy metabolism.. Little or nothing will be stored as cholesterol or triglycerides.

I think what the doctor wants to accomplish is to make you more aware of the necessity to start early on a healthy diet and exercise regimen and be aware of the risk factors. Make it into a family project.

Hope this helps!

Which is the best professional resume writing service in Bombay?

Preferably in Bombay but anywhere in India will also be helpful.

Posted by GypseQueen
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* List your technical knowledge first, in an organized way. Your technical strengths must stand out clearly at the beginning of your resume. Ultimately, your resume is going to be read by a thoughtful human being, but before it gets to that point it often has to be categorized by an administrative clerk, and make its way past various sorts of key word searches. Therefore, you should list as many directly relevant buzz words as you can which reflect your knowledge and experience. List all operating systems and UNIX flavors you know. List all programming languages and platforms with which you're experienced. List all software you are skilled with. Make it obvious at a glance where your strengths lie – whether the glance is from a hiring manager, a clerk, or a machine.
* Never work alone–pay attentions on the social-network. The social-network is fatal factor for your work present and future, the social-network is the your connections in the society, it can be your parent,friend,classmate,colleagues etc.Good scoial-network can improve your efficiecy, not only on the work itself but also good for your entire future career path.(job-hunting, recruit, professional personal development,life and work advice etc.<a href=";_ylu=X3oDMTFlcm5yMzlpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA00wMDFfOTEEbANXUzEEcXQDZHE-/SIG=11koug7bg/EXP=1203439179/**http%3a//
">The Free Insiders Referral Network of Jobs –</a> is such tool for your to build such useful network.To expand and enhence your social-network and make it more useful, just go and check it up.
* Quantify your experience wherever possible. Cite numerical figures, such as monetary budgets/funds saved, time periods/efficiency improved, lines of code written/debugged, numbers of machines administered/fixed, etc. Which demonstrate progress or accomplishments due directly to your work.
* Begin sentences with action verbs. Portray yourself as someone who is active, uses their brain, and gets things done. Stick with the past tense, even for descriptions of currently held positions, to avoid confusion.
* Don't sell yourself short. This is by far the biggest mistake of all resumes, technical and otherwise. Your experiences are worthy for review by hiring managers. Treat your resume as an advertisement for you. Be sure to thoroughly "sell" yourself by highlighting all of your strengths. If you've got a valuable asset which doesn't seem to fit into any existing components of your resume, list it anyway as its own resume segment.
* Be concise. As a rule of thumb, resumes reflecting five years or less experience should fit on one page. More extensive experience can justify usage of a second page. Consider three pages (about 15 years or more experience) an absolute limit. Avoid lengthy descriptions of whole projects of which you were only a part. Consolidate action verbs where one task or responsibility encompasses other tasks and duties. Minimize usage of articles (the, an, a) and never use "I" or other pronouns to identify yourself.
* Omit needless items. Leave all these things off your resume: social security number, marital status, health, citizenship, age, scholarships, irrelevant awards, irrelevant associations and memberships, irrelevant publications, irrelevant recreational activities, a second mailing address ("permanent address" is confusing and never used), references, reference of references ("available upon request"), travel history, previous pay rates, previous supervisor names, and components of your name which you really never use (i.e. Middle names).
* Have a trusted friend review your resume. Be sure to pick someone who is attentive to details, can effectively critique your writing, and will give an honest and objective opinion. Seriously consider their advice. Get a third and fourth opinion if you can.
* Proofread, proofread, proofread. Be sure to catch all spelling errors, grammatical weaknesses, unusual punctuation, and inconsistent capitalizations. Proofread it numerous times over at least two days to allow a fresh eye to catch any hidden mistakes.
* Laser print it on plain, white paper. Handwriting, typing, dot matrix printing, and even ink jet printing look pretty cheesy. Stick with laser prints. Don't waste your money on special bond paper, matching envelopes, or any color deviances away from plain white. Your resume will be photocopied, faxed, and scanned numerous times, defeating any special paper efforts, assuming your original resume doesn't first end up in the circular file.

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