Self Development Classes

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Questions and Answers

How important is self development at schooling stage?

These days all parents, just pressurise their kids, for good grades in class, and always push them for being competent. But the major part they forget is self development of their kid. The character bulding, the confidence, the moral, the fluency to talk in front of anybody. These things give problem to the kids in future. What do you think?
Narna… I appreciate your answer. Thanks
Dee.. Great answer. I appreciate. Thanks.

Posted by Anupam Thakur-
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Sense of 'self' is so critical, that if the foundation of one's identity is delayed by stress and other traumas – it could be another twenty years of playing 'catchup'. Delayed personality development is probably one of the most lonely and painful things human beings can experience. It can be so severe, that it will interfere with one's ability to function on a day to day level, even though cognitively, they are very bright. Some inflict injuries upon themselves – not due to a real desire to harm themselves – but rather to 'feel' the pain to find a boundary to their being 'real'. To emphasize,… If we don't solidly feel substance to who we are … If we don't have 'ourselves'… Who do we have?

The role of self employment in economic development?

This is my project topic.

Posted by sunfean
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Hello there
i am an economics student and also a great fan of the subject. If i know which class or year u are in i would be able to answer your question well.
Anyways, heres a siple explanation.
First of all u should know what is economic development.
Eco-dev means economic growth coupled with improvement in welfare of the people and improvement in the quality of life of the people. In economics, it is considered to be a better and broder concept than eco-dev.
Now self employement (entreprenuership) is something which accelarates this eco-dev. Lets take an example. Suppose u are working in a company and the company is benefitting from your the company is giving u a salary of Rs 20000. This is because u are bringing in Rs 200000 to the company. What u can do is become self employed and start earning this 200000 yourself. In this process u will be creating employement for others. Maybe u can employ 10 persons. Also the quality of life of your employees improves.
Self employement also improves skills of the people in the economy.further there is the multiplier effect of employement and income working for u.
A developing country kike india desparately needs entreprenuers with new ideas, innovative minds, risk taking ability and wisdom to accelarate this process of eco-dev.
For anything else u can mail me at

Romanian magazine for self development which is not boring?

That's a hard one. I'm looking for a romanian magazine that is kind of "intelligent" but perhaps not "too" intelligent, which could help me develop myself professionally and personally (hard to be very specific, but it could have at least a few areas out of (not just one): business, job culture, management, computers, travel, psychology, etc), let me know perhaps a little bit more about the world. I'm learning the language now and would like to join the pleasant and the useful in one.
Thanks a million!

Posted by sdaman29
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Though question. I don't know one. But you can try if you're a woman, the romanian version of Elle.
Ok, you're a man then try class or men's health but i really don't like all this romanian magazines. If you'll see one you'll know what i'm talking about.

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