Self Growth Articles

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Questions and Answers

Looking for information on self help, personal growth, inspirational, success and motivational books?

Can you tell me the best books of this type you have ever read and let me know what you found most helpful about each book and also anything that you felt the book didn't do a good job of covering / teaching…or anything you wish the book would have included but didn't?
Thank you to all who answered so far. My question is more of a research nature…I've read many books of this type & am curious to see how many of those titles pop up here. I am most interested in peoples specific feelings about what was most or least helpful in their opinion, or what topics they wish would have been either covered in those books, or more deeply elaborated on. Great book choices given so far…I have read some of these…Thanks again!

Posted by greengirl
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The trouble with self-help, motivational books is that they leave a void for the reader to gain momentum on it's supposed track. It helps getting you motivated but it all goes away after that initial rush.

What worked for me so far is the "Release Technique" and "The Silva UltraMind System". I also tried this website:

The Release Technique was created by Lester Levenson and is more popularly known as the Sedona Method or marketed under The Abundance Course. It teaches the student to experience that energy/feeling and releasing them.

Silva UltraMind teaches its student about brain waves and the different states of mind, especially the Alpha brain wave.

Steve Pavlina has good articles on his website.

I have combined both the Release Technique and using it on an "Alpha" state of mind, even "Theta" and I found it very useful.

To elaborate, using the Silva Method, one is introduced to at least four brain waves…in the following order: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

The beta brainwave is where we're at during normal waking hours, when we are most mentally active (and unfortunately when we are most susceptible to stress and mental fatigue). Scientists had measured this to be about 15 cycles on an EEG machine (electroencepalograph)–the machine which measures and monitors brain activity.

The next level below is the alpha brainwave. It's between 5-15 cycles. This is the state when you're relaxed….like listening to relaxing music, taking a shower, just before you fall to sleep/right after you wake up. This is when youre subsconscious mind is mostly receptive to suggestions and where you can "plant the good seeds and pull out the weeds in your garden."

Theta is right below alpha and is characterized by your sleep-state. It's between 3-4 cycles. Your dreaming at this point. You may experience lucid dreaming.

Delta is deep sleep. It's between 1-3 cycles. You may not recall having dreamt at all.

Anyway, the Release Technique focuses on simply that–releasing your emotions that you've hold on too up to this point, which makes you feel lighter and better. It's powerful in conjunction with the Silva Method.

These 2 methods together have helped me get out into orbit as opposed to other self-help books, which although well-intended, fails to deliver on their promises.

I hope this helps. Please remember this is just my experience which may differ from other people.

Plz anyone write a article on a any very good topic for assembly?

Plz write it in a simple way and a very good topic.So its make me easy to speak…………………………….one option i can give deforestation ar any u want with 2- quotation.

Posted by cuty_gal_tisha
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If you read personal growth or self-help books at all, including mine, you’ve been taught to identify what you want to have. You’ve been instructed to focus your intention on what you want because what you think about is what it drawn to you. This idea was best expressed by the late Earl Nightingale who said "You Mind Moves in the Direction of Your Currently Dominant Thoughts." This is an idea that can be traced back thousands of years and appears on every writing on religion, spirituality or philosophy. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

You want to hold your attention on what you want to create in your life, since this is what you want to attract. There is, however, tremendous value in looking at the other side of this equation, for it is in contrast that we find clarity. One of the blocks to having what we want in our lives and businesses is the internal resistance that is present and operating behind the scenes. For example, let’s supposing that you want to double your current level of business. I can hear some people right now gasping at the thought of that however, it occurs all the time. This is one of the strategy’s I use when coaching business clients who want quantum growth.

Here’s the problem, you think "I want to double my business in the next twelve months." While you’re focusing on this lofty goal, there is in the back of your mind, all kinds of resistance to this idea. Your internal critic is chattering away telling you how difficult it will be and, even if it were possible, which it’s not, you would have to work twice as hard and that’s not something you want to do. The results here are conflicting and you are probably not even aware of it.

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution to this dilemma. Begin your goal setting by first, identifying what you do not want. I’m not suggestion for a second that you dwell on what you don’t want in your life. That will draw it to you. Just that you devote some time and energy surface everything you don't want. In our business doubling example, you may have things like "I don’t want more work, added overhead, more debt, I don’t want to have to hire more people, and I don’t want to work longer, and on and on." By doing this, you’ve cleared the way for the next most important step, what you do want. Once your clear as to what you do not want with regard to your goal or project, you can begin to list what you do want to have and experience. Again, in our business doubling example, this might include such things as "I want to double our business in the next 12 months. I want it to happen with ease and joy. I want to be able to do it with our present staff and budgets. I want it to be exciting and pleasurable for everyone. I want to be fun and have this occur effortlessly. I want to add more value to our clients. I want to explore new markets and create new ways to reach them."

By first allowing your fears and resistances to become known to you, you’ve cleared the way to have more of what you do want.

Note: Once you’ve identified what you don’t want, don’t keep going back to it. As a matter of fact, you might want to take your "don't want" list and burn it. Now devote all of your time, energy, resources and attention and thoughts to what you do want.

How can self efficacy effect organization at work place?

Posted by Lubna
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Difference Between Self-esteem and Self-efficacy



Self-esteem: Self-esteem refers to general feelings of self-worth or self-value.

Self-efficacy: Self-efficacy is belief in one's capacity to succeed at tasks. General self-efficacy is belief in one's general capacity to handle tasks. Specific self-efficacy refers to beliefs about one's ability to perform specific tasks (e.g., driving, public speaking, studying, etc.)

Self-confidence: Self-confidence refers to belief in one's personal worth and likelihood of succeeding. Self-confidence is a combination of self-esteem and general self-efficacy.

Self-concept: Self-concept is the nature and organization of beliefs about one's self. Self-concept is theorized to be multi-dimensional. For example, people have separate beliefs about physical, emotional, social, etc. Aspects of themselves.

Developmental patterns in the development of self-constructs

Early on in development, children tend to have a vague, general concept of themselves, which gradually diversifies into concepts about themselves as students at school, in relation to peers, in relation to family, emotionally, physically, and so on.

It is unclear whether self-concepts are formed top-down (specific beliefs flow from general beliefs) or bottom-up (general beliefs flow from specific beliefs).
Gender differences in self-constructs

Males tend to report higher levels of self-esteem and self-confidence than do females. More specifically, females rate their Verbal self-concept higher, whereas males tend to rate their Mathematical self-concept higher.

Females tend to report greater increases in self-constructs as a result of interventions. This could be because:

* females tend to start lower (therefore they have more "room for growth") and
* females tend to be more open to verbal processing of experience and expression of feelings.


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