Sonicaid – Music To Inspire Positive Thinking

These songs use Alpha/Beta/Theta waves along with music to create the desired mental state. I take zero claim or responsibility for anything – positive or ne…

46 Replies to “Sonicaid – Music To Inspire Positive Thinking”

  1. Had such a shitty year :s my girlfriend broke up with me 10 days before our
    2 year anniversary… My dad and sister had Fysical and mental problems and
    to make it worse my dog, (my best friend) died 🙁 Never have I felt as
    shitty as the last couple of months

  2. I never cried so hard in my life when I was listing to this, Though ive
    been going through a lot of shit lately since my best friend and I had a
    thing with her just recently cut me off 3 days ago because I told her how I
    felt and I loved her she was my everything even though she has Borderline
    Personality Disorder I feel free now and not a slave but she made me happy
    and miserable at the same time.

  3. Stated concept: Boost High Alpha and Low Beta brainwaves using binaural and
    monaural entrainment to reduce anxiety and increase focus. Foundation of
    40-68 Hz sinewave-based Low freq sound with 4 second panning to decrease
    depression and anxiety.
    provided a good starting point for reading about this. The music is
    relaxing as music can be, but I’m interested in knowing what claims
    research has validated. The binaural beats recordings have been shown to be
    effective in reducing anxiety. Is this because the subjects were simply
    taking the time to sit and listen to relaxing music? There is no evidence
    for EEG changes as a result, but I’m willing to try it for increasing
    productivity and focus, even if it is a placebo effect. It does drown out
    many distractions while working at my computer when I am charting data at
    the end of my work night.

  4. This is so pretty, it brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
    …………….Everything is OK, Gods love is all through me

  5. The best “positive thinking” to me is generated by a biiiiig nice smile!!!
    a good news, a friendly gesture, a good joke!!!

  6. Thank You for taking the time to help humans through the stress of
    life…so sorry for the vulgar and ignorance that they leave here..I am
    sorry you have to read it..PEACEFULLY J

  7. I am deeply troubled at the moment… I feel like I am carrying the heavy
    world in my shoulders… I hope to have an inner peace as I keep on
    playing this music…

  8. Good Music for self Hipnosis, imagine laying on warm sand, the sun rising
    over the water, it’s rays creep up the beach & starting at your feet it
    activates a circulation of radiant warm light & you blossom open welcoming
    the nurturing sensation of warm invitation to raise your conscious in
    fellowship, with the delight of spirit filled sands carrying you off on the
    sea, toward higher awareness, where a vibrant Gold Egg cacoons you & pulses
    with energetic sounds tapping at your minds eye to open & be free.

  9. to much emotion in this music to be positive for makes u feel to
    much when yurtrying to stay in the now & present its pretty though but this
    is what I woul hav listened to sometime back before my lifestyle
    changed..sorry but going back to my native American music!

  10. *My life turned for the ultimate positive,* when I learned how life works.
    It changed my way of thinking completely and I became more aware of my life.

    *I want to share my experience.* It found the truth of life in an ebook
    called “The Present” at *TruthContest•Com.* *Take a look. :)*

  11. I get the feeling of being cold but i’m not cold. Kinda like when you have
    a fever and you feel cold but you know that the environment you are in is
    warm. That is what I feel when I listen to this, however its milder then
    the sensation you get from a fever. Do you have any explanations for this?

  12. ‘It’s easier to think negatively then positively, that’s why 95% do it’
    -Earl Nightingale
    By simply being positive you are able to push beyond narrow mindedness and

  13. Just what I need to relax from the holiday weekend activities! For those of
    you returning to work have a wonderfully productive week. For others
    enjoying some extra time off I hope you are making the most of it. 

  14. I don’t know about the “mental states” or all of the scientific “stuff”.
    All I know is I love this. I enjoy listening to it…over and over again.
    And, with all music, that’s really all that should matter. Thanks you for
    giving me so many hours of pleasure. 

  15. always going to be positive!although, i learned not to say” NEVER” and”
    ALWAYS” in any form of my statements or expressions!! it is too judgemental
    and rough in any message that i want to get across to someone!!!escpecially
    in an argument !!!!thinking again!peace to the world!positivity is great
    for the mind and soul!!

  16. Excuse my highly weird imagination, but, I imagine this music to be playing
    (especially 1:25)
    in a movie where there’s this guy crushing on a girl, and he is in love
    with her and the camera is focusing on her and everything she’s doing is in
    slo-mo, and she looks all pretty as the guy is drooling from afar. Just my

    I hate how the music gets kinda sad though…

  17. I love this one. Most brainwave entrainment isn’t so beautiful to listen to
    – this one is sooo relaxing and beautiful – it makes me happy

  18. You should not need anything to inspire positive thinking. Do not force
    anything. If your intent is positive, you will be alright. If you seek, you
    will find. I suggest you to read ~~The Present~~ at TruthContest○com, you
    will know exactly what I mean if you do.

  19. I see all comments are positive :3 well i think i’m the only one here to
    keep feeling stressed before and while listening.. It’s good but still not
    enough to help me -_- yes i’m “negative” right now !! Let’s just say it’s
    not about some magical notes or so.. it all depends on what state you are
    in and what you expect while listening !! 

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