Start Thinking Big! – (Success is calling you…No more excuses!)

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33 Replies to “Start Thinking Big! – (Success is calling you…No more excuses!)”

  1. “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.”
    — Henry Ford

    Unfortunately, my mother never gave me any encouragement or believed in me,
    so I’ve spent my entire adult life attempting to believe in myself. 

  2. OK so I believe in a lot of this however, the idea the more you put in the
    more you receive? I am sorry, but our playing field is for the most part
    already set up for most to fail, think about it. So a plastic surgeon who
    gives a girl boobs makes millions if not billions, but a fire fighter risk
    his life and usually works for free or minimum wage. So, we need to change
    our priorities number one and becoming more materialistic isn’t going to
    help matters none.

    Constructive conversations are welcomed, but please, if you have nothing
    nice to say, don’t 😉 

  3. If you need a vehicle to help you get out of your financial situation, I
    can help you out! Call me at 240-449-5623 and ask me how. Talk to you guys

  4. I got to see Jack this past weekend in Long Beach, CA. My life has been
    forever changed with these principles. I have been blessed to become apart
    of a start up company 15 months ago and we did 100,000 million is sales our
    first year. Looking for positive self motivated people. E-mail
    me if you would like me to send you any videos/info on
    our company:)

  5. one of the secrets to success, is to ignore negative noise, you are giving
    to much attention to an idiot..just focus on what makes you better, there
    are good lessons in this video dont let a moron get to you

  6. If someone gives 100%, That is 100% regardless if it’s one penny, one
    dollar or ten thousand dollars. The amount doesn’t matter; 100% is 100%.
    That’s what Jesus Christ means in the verse about the woman who gave a few
    coins which was all the money she had, compared to the people who gave
    teeny amounts of their wealth (which for an example can be $15 out of
    $50,000 which isn’t even a twentieth of a percent. Oh sure, $15 can be used
    to buy packets of seeds and go into big agricultural business eventually
    but that’s beside the point.)

  7. How dare u talk about black people shows how dumb u are. Go research kemet.
    And then u will see we were never dumb until the white man messed with our

  8. Narrated by Jessica Savitch..Philadelphia news woman who died tragically in
    an auto accident while out of her mind on a cocaine binge RIP…

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