Stephen R Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Best MLM Training in 2014. Stephen R Covey has studied some of the most successful business people over the past 20 years, and he will help you …

6 Replies to “Stephen R Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Best MLM Training in 2014.”

  1. Truly interesting Video!

    I was always a failure in my life and did not know the reason!

    My friend gave me this “7 habits of …” book by Covey. I read it many
    times and understood that Habits are very important in life.

    I took it seriously, so i started using “sevenhabits” mobile app by lokesh
    which was a tool to practice the 7 habits and it has helped me a lot!

    Now, I am more confident and have more energy and more focus!

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