The Two Levels in Optimizing Your Life

The name of this website is Life Optimizer. Accordingly, the mission here is optimizing lives. I want to optimize my life and share what I learn with you. I’d also like to learn how you optimize your life. The end goal is that we can all reach our full potential.

How can we optimize our lives then?

Well, I believe that there are two levels in optimizing lives: macro and micro. Macro deals with the overall direction of your life while micro deals with your day-to-day life. They complement each other. You need both of them to optimize your life.

If you are good at macro but not at micro, you would move slowly. You know where you are going, but you are not efficient in getting there. On the other hand, if you are good at micro but not at macro, you would move fast but in the wrong direction! You need both of them to move fast in the right direction.

Though both of them are important, if I had to choose, I’d say that macro is more important than micro. Why? Because it’s better to move slowly in the right direction than to move fast in the wrong direction! You would still end up closer to your destination. You would still be closer to the life you want.

Unfortunately, many people give more attention to micro than macro. They read productivity tips to make their days more productive, but they don’t spend much time thinking about the big picture of their lives. As a result, they are efficient but they lose direction and meaning.

You should spend time thinking about your macro. Here are some questions that you need to ponder:

  • Do I know where my life is going?
  • Am I satisfied with my life’s direction?
  • Do I have a sense of purpose in everything I do?
  • Do I have a cause that matters to me and motivates my actions?
  • Am I sure I wouldn’t have lifetime regrets?

These are not questions that you should answer in a hurry. Instead, you should think about them constantly as you go through life. My suggestion is that you write your thoughts in a journal. Over time, you would see that your thoughts develop and you would gain better clarity.

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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