Top 10 Personal Development Goals

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Questions and Answers

What resolutions are you making this year?

Yeah, yeah it has been asked. But oh well, you get points. I never make any. Then I don't have the pressure of trying to keep them and I don't get guilty when I don't.

Posted by okami_suta
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My resolution this year is to start my own business.

I run a website about making and keepoing positive lifestyle promises. Http:// where you can join support clubs for personal development and making a difference.

Here are my top new years resolution tips

1. Write your goals down and track your progress
2. Share your resolution with friends and family – Get them to motivate you.
3. Set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and timely.
4. Create a vision board – draw a picture of where you'd like to be in 5/10 years including your journey there.
5. Be persistant and don't give up easily. If things don't go too well, review and start over.


Will Donald Trump become much richer after the current economic crisis?

He says that he is buying things that he couldn't buy before. So do you think that after this economic crisis he will turn to be among top 10 richest man in America?

Posted by Piuiu
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Donald Trump is an American business magnate, socialite, author and professional wrestling personality. He is the Chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization, a US-based real-estate developer. Trump is also the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which operates numerous casinos and hotels across the world. Trump's extravagant lifestyle and outspoken manner have made him a celebrity for years, a status amplified by the success of his NBC reality show, The Apprentice (where he serves as host and executive producer). Trump is currently making appearances for World Wrestling Entertainment's flagship show WWE Raw, where he is the 'owner' of the show.

Donald was the fourth of five children of Fred Trump, a wealthy real estate developer based in New York City. Donald was strongly influenced by his father in his eventual goals to make a career in real estate development, and upon his graduation from Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968, Donald Trump joined his father's company, The Trump Organization.

Starting with the renovation of the Commodore Hotel into the Grand Hyatt with the Pritzker family, he continued with Trump Tower in New York City and several other residential projects. Trump would later expand into the airline industry (buying the Eastern Shuttle routes), and Atlantic City casino business, including buying the Taj Mahal Casino from the Crosby family, then taking it into bankruptcy. This expansion, both personal and business, led to mounting debt. Much of the news about him in the early 1990s involved his much publicized financial problems, creditor-led bailout, extramarital affair with Marla Maples, and the resulting divorce from his first wife, Ivana Trump.

The late 1990s saw a resurgence in his financial situation and fame. In 2001, he completed Trump World Tower, a 72-story residential tower across from the United Nations Headquarters. Also, he began construction on Trump Place, a multi-building development along the Hudson River. Trump owns commercial space in Trump International Hotel and Tower, a 44-story mixed-use (hotel and condominium) tower on Columbus Circle. Trump currently owns several million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate, and remains a major figure in the field of real estate in the United States and a celebrity for his prominent media exposures.

How can I keep my New Year's resolutions?

Posted by .
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I run a website about making and keeping positive lifestyle promises. You can get lots of ideas there. Http:// where you can join support clubs for personal development and making a difference.

Here are my top new years resolution tips

1. Write your goals down and track your progress
2. Share your resolution with friends and family – Get them to motivate you.
3. Set SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and timely.
4. Create a vision board – draw a picture of where you'd like to be in 5/10 years including your journey there.
5. Be persistant and don't give up easily. If things don't go too well, review and start over.


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