Transcendental Meditation Technique – A Complete Introduction In this introductory video, Bob Roth describes the Transcendental Meditation® technique in depth. What you’ll learn: • What TM is • What TM is …

49 Replies to “Transcendental Meditation Technique – A Complete Introduction”

  1. If it is such a simple technique, why does it require 4 sessions of 60-90
    minutes in length to learn it? Why must it only be taught one on one?
    This process seems to be a money making scam to me. These folks come
    across as being so altruistic, so concerned about improving the world,
    etc. Why not simply tell us how to practice TM?

  2. If this technique/tradition has been around for thousands of years, how
    does this organization get to trademark the name, and claim the technique
    as intellectual property. There must be practitioners who know the
    technique (maybe by another name) who can teach it for far less.

  3. Is it normal if you do transcendental meditation that you become
    anti-social(but stress free)?
    Is there any one who noticed this also?


  4. So this is simple, universal, natural and anyone can do it? Then why does
    it cost almost $1,000? Why not just explain the practice for others’
    benefit? You say there’s no belief system here, but clearly you believe in
    a nice paycheck. Where does that money go? 

  5. For those who take issue with the cost of learning this technique: it
    strikes me that most of us went to high school; many of us went to college.
    Both of these experiences represent the delivery of a specialized body of
    knowledge in a carefully organized way, and both are decidedly not free.
    Most of us want to avail ourselves of these courses of instruction because
    we sense they will improve our ability to operate and succeed in the
    world–but we tend not to ask, “why is this not free?”. We paid. The fees,
    as with any other education, pay for the teachers and the organization
    necessary to preserve and extend the knowledge and to ensure that we learn
    properly. Line up the cost of TM instruction alongside the price we might
    pay for high school and college education, and you will find we are
    literally talking about the froth on the waves on the surface of the ocean.
    And then consider the impact of both over the course of a lifetime. Seems
    like a bargain to me.

  6. “Unified field of consciousness” Friends, what we’ve got here is grade-A
    pseudoscientific nonsense. Meditation may well be beneficial, but that
    hardly proves all of this cosmic consciousness woo.

  7. 9:19 Interesting and truthful point.
    Here’s a quote from a fascinating man I recommend researching about;
    John C. Lilly (r.i.p): “That’s right. The survival programs, as I found out
    earlier from doing neurophysiology, are built into the brain. The rewarding
    systems, euphoric systems, and the sexual systems, and the painful,
    punishing, anger systems are all built in. And then you realize that the
    cerebral cortex has many, many paths to these systems and from these
    systems, so you don’t have to go through these states.”

  8. What does it matter? How much is your sanity and health worth? If a
    Teacher instructed you on a technique that delivered peace of mind and
    contentment of heart would you have a problem paying money so that the same
    Teacher could pay his rent, put gas in his car, put food on the table, and
    continue to instruct others in the same practice which helped your life?

    People committed to spiritual growth in themselves and others have to pay
    bills too. It is not so complicated.


  9. Thank you Mr. Roth, this was awesome. I never heard of TM until a few days
    ago. I always wanted to learn how to meditate but I get distracted easily.
    My friend was going through a lot of financial and personal problems. He
    moved out of state due to high cost of living and then was introduced to
    TM. He saved money to learn the techniques. Today, he’s returned
    home, owns a very successful business, and lives on the beach. We have to
    invest in ourselves and I believe this is the answer. Celebrities like
    Ellen DeGeneres, Russell Simmons, Jerry Seinfeld, and Hugh Jackman say they
    owe their massive success to TM. Your video is very profession and
    extremely helpful. My husband and I are attending an introductory seminar
    next week and are absolutely ecstatic. Also, the website was
    very helpful as well. Thank you again.

  10. Was diagnosed with GAD about 6 months ago and instead of taking
    anti-depressants, I started practicing mindfulness and transcendental
    meditation daily. I feel like a completely different person from who I was
    6 months ago. I have emotional stability and control. Trust me folks, this

  11. I was Taught TM in the Early nineties as a kid and I stumbled upon this
    video recently. I honestly kind of lost the habit through the years and
    have since been practicing TM occasionally( more or less twice a month sad
    to say). But now as an adult approaching middle age I’m starting to realize
    how much i need it now to cope with everyday life. So i’m starting to re
    learn this all by myself.

  12. I cant find a four day session course in my city. Its a six month program.
    im a little confused about that. also its a class not a one on one session

  13. Great questions, Bruce! I’ve been teaching TM since 1978, and I often find
    the 4 sessions can go over 60-90 minutes, mainly because we spend plenty of
    time answering questions and ensuring that everyone is happy with their
    progress. And that includes time for individual, one-on-one attention since
    everyone is different. Some people have a million questions; some have
    none. Some are older, some younger. Some have major health concerns, move
    slowly, grasp differently. We take care of everyone. Some are also very
    easy, so the class can end quickly for them. We’ve alway been a non-profit,
    501(c)3 educational organization. We’re legitimately working to help
    people. But I understand your doubts. There are many illegal, illicit
    operators out there, so it’s wise to do your research! See if this page

  14. I’ve been practicing TM for nearly 15 years and my parents have for 40+
    years. It’s the single greatest thing I’ve learned in my life and am
    forever grateful for it.

  15. Yes, it’s my experience that anyone can do TM and receive practical
    results, and for me, it’s been the most beneficial meditation technique
    that I’ve ever tried, certainly worth every penny that I spent on it. I
    find that people are so used to putting effort into everything they do, and
    making simple things complicated, that it’s important to have a certified
    TM instructor, willing to put in as much time as it takes, to help their
    students learn how NOT to put any effort into this simple meditation
    technique and to answer all of their questions about their personal
    experiences in a very clear way. 

  16. I find it interesting that I have not read one comment on this video that
    says “I tried TM and it did not work.” When I consider all the money I
    have spent on videos and books and CDs and classes that did not work, TM is
    a good deal. Would you rather have something free that does not work?
    BTW, check the official TM website. It does not cost thousands of
    dollars. It would be nice if it was cheaper. It can’t be free. That’s
    just not practical. What can I say? Ask about a scholarship if you really
    cannot pay for it. Or save your pennies. It does work.

  17. TM is required to be promoted as the most enjoyable mental exercise whereby
    you let your thoughts prevail while you sit in a comfortable posture when
    you only deal with your stresses and not build them up. you gradually get
    into the process of cleaning the clogged slate of your mind to enable you
    to write on it what you aspire in life. TM does not need more scientific
    analysis than this simple explanation. You meditate with your Mantra and
    then as thoughts appear you let them take you along till they spend their
    onslaught to leave your sub-conscious free from any stress related to that
    thought and that becomes a source practice when you daily sit and sort out
    your stresses and when you only get rid of unnecessary stresses. Jai Guru

  18. if its so simple and easy we shouldn’t have to pay to learn it. just money
    hungry capitalism. TM is supposed to be natural right? Its like having to
    pay to learn how to breathe or sleep.

  19. Actually I did do this while I was in a car Driving. It was fine.

    If you definition of fine was crashing into a truck at 80mph.

    Thankfully voice recognition software has come on a long way….

  20. TM had a really, really great, positive dramatic effect on my life from the
    very first night I learned it.
    I truly believe something passed from the teacher to me during instruction.
    I only repeated a sound, a mantra, but I was so changed I gave my car keys
    to my friend to drive home! 

  21. Are all TM teachers as good as each other? What if my local teacher doesn’t
    teach me correctly? Chooses the wrong mantra for example?

  22. I have used TM since 1968 and the advanced techniques from mid 1970’s, even
    became a teacher and taught it full time for several years in South Africa
    – the whole deal in other words.
    Remember that just as learning to jog only benefits you when you keep it
    up, so does TM. Although it is effortless,the benefits only come from years
    of daily practice – just as in jogging, during the first year or two
    legs,ankles,internal muscles slowly develop, so TM helps refine mind and
    body gradually. When it becomes an established lifelong practice there are
    enormous benefits especially as you age. Remember the saying “when we are
    20 we have the face God gave us, when we are fifty we have the face we gave
    ourselves.” The TM marketing is pretty slick and inspiring and the
    technique is expensive compared to the early days when it was geared for
    students, so there is a comitment – it is in the early years when people
    drop out and then find a reason to justify why they don’t do it. If only
    they had kept it up for the long term, the personal transformation of
    consciousness is profound and with growth comes personal realization of why
    we are here and what we need to do in life as well as a long list of health
    benefits – the whole person in other words. Along with the study and
    investigation of many other practices, it is a central part of my life,
    without being a religion. Maybe there are those who make it some kind of a
    group cultish thing, but that is their own need and nothing to do with the
    technique. If you once learn’t the technique, give it another try you will
    be surprised how good you feel.

  23. The philosophical teachings of India are being spread around the world
    peacefully, not one solider or bullet was used to do it.

  24. I did my TM course in the mid 80’s. I have actively compared it to
    “mindfulness”, and there is no comparison, TM every time. And in response
    to all the people who want it for free. Hundreds of thousands, if not
    millions have already paid for it, and it wasn’t cheap but, the way it is
    taught by qualified teachers, allows people to ask questions, to be given
    the correct knowledge and personal tuition. That is why we paid, it has to
    be taught correctly, to gain the correct effect which will last the rest of
    your life.

  25. Imagine the beautiful, amazingly fun world we could make if everyone who
    wanted it had access to this. Let’s find a way. much peace, love &
    blessings to everyone.

  26. A great job done by this gentleman. Attention is the main that helps a
    person.Only dedication is required.One who can not appriciate is a
    loser.Every good and bad is to be appreciated.For this one has to have love
    for all. 

  27. The description of samadhi and mindfulness are inaccurate. The notion of a
    self sitting on the ocean doesn’t even apply to either. Mindfulness would
    be like an awareness of all the elements of the ocean waves (solidity,
    liquidity, temperature, and movement). The ocean floor is the solidity, the
    ocean is the liquidity, the temperature of the wind/water/floor is… the
    temperature, and the movement of the wind and the movement of the water is
    the movement. The movement of the ocean is all dependent on these things.
    Samadhi would be like the wind naturally calming down, which will lead to
    the water calming down. The heat of the sun will evaporate the water
    eventually. The earth will eventually disappear. We are left with the
    supreme state of calm, a state which is calmer than the ocean waves, calmer
    than the still-ocean, calmer than the earth. We are left with cessation,
    and that’s Nirvana. Mindfulness is used to gain an understanding of the
    mind and its tendencies. A deep understanding will cause unwholesome
    tendencies (of passion, aversion, and delusion) which cause stress to stop
    arising — without force. The stilling of unwholesome qualities leads to
    samadhi, which is calm. The samadhi goes deeper and deeper, naturally due
    to the clear awareness of the mind, until the conditions for samadhi cease
    and thus there is nirvana.

  28. I did TM at Michigan State a in 1975. It was phenomal. The Marahrishi was
    a prophert. He should of by-passed on The Beatles. But, the picture with
    all 4 and their girlfriends with him is incredible.

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