Victor Bloom – Intimacy

I don’t have enough words
To say what is unspeakable,
And yet I think in words,
I think all the time.
I think of our love
And how intimate we are,
Not only in words.

I think words are not necessary
Where it is at. Still I go on and on
Because I want to tell you,
I want to shout it to the world:
In your arms I am
In the center of the universe,
Where our limbs
Are inextricable entwined;
Our lives, our bodies
Are one.

Our juices mingle;
We belong to each other.
We walk down the road of life
We go to bed together,
Night after night.
We sleep together.
We make love.

When we do, it is bliss,
Pure ecstasy and rapture.
I feel the soft warmth
Of your body inviting,
Taking me in.

I enter you.
You envelop me.
Nothing else matters.
It is everything there is.
I want to go on and on about it,
Boring everybody who walks around
As if nothing happened.

Victor Bloom

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