2 Hours Sleep Hypnosis for Depression Anxiety Self Confidence Emotional Healing

https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/sleep-hypnosis-for-depression/id680072527 This is a very long video to help you feel better while you fall asleep and give …

45 Replies to “2 Hours Sleep Hypnosis for Depression Anxiety Self Confidence Emotional Healing”

  1. oh My God. This was better than a xanax and I suffer from severe ion and
    panic attacks! Slept like a baby.

  2. will this hypnotherapy session help me, i have malaptive dreaming disorder,
    extreme depression, low self esteem and suicidal thoughts? i need good help
    since i live in Kuwait. and it is impossible to get good help.

  3. Been having a hard few days vibrationally, I very much hope this helps…
    Either way I’m giving if a go. Xo

  4. I am extremely agoraphobic, haven’t left my house in quite some time again,
    I also a few months ago quit taking celexa cause my insurance got changed
    and they wouldn’t see me, at that point I realized I shouldn’t need to rely
    on a med to try and help me feel better, I want to do it on my own it is
    very hard though! It seems like I am getting worse, also the whole time I
    was on the med I never dreamed, I’ve been having a few freaky weird dreams
    since I quit. I mean really weird scary dreams of things happening to me!

  5. I use to Listen to Paul McKenna, Now I Listen to Jody! Thank you Jody your
    voice has Lulled me to sleep so many times!
    Goddess bless you.

  6. Very helpful for me because I don’t want anti-depressants. Just the exact
    words I needed since I have to deal with major problems that will affect
    the future as I had planned it. I just have to accept that I need to stop
    comparing my life to others and regain complete control of my mind. I will
    use this every day. People who think it’s scary really don’t understand the
    message. However, a more ‘professional’ voice could be useful. 

  7. WOWZA! Wake up the power, lol! Hmmm wondering how many have tried this?
    It’s actually good stuff I may come back & try it. Who wants to join me?

  8. Before i start with this, is this just a voice telling me how to think? How
    is it going to work when i already know how to think to feel better? (but
    for some reason i don’t have the lust to being positive)

  9. Jody (or anyone else)
    Please answer my question.
    When i listen to Jody I start to hyperventilate and it feels like im
    breathing thick air.
    I also feel like a terrible dark energy has come over me.
    Why is this?
    Please answer.

  10. i don’t know how or why but i am saving my body from medication and am
    gaining sleep. I wish jody put in pain reduction my pain will wake me later
    into the night. i turn her back on. She has a excellent program. I
    appreciate her.

  11. I made it through 50 minutes and fell asleep after about 40 minutes, though
    I cant be sure it was 40 minutes because in those minutes I was asleep I
    had no concept of time. Thank you, Jody. You’re amazing!

  12. yeah i deal with Depression 24/7 and stress that’s only cause I’m mentally
    Disabled and my Depression Is under Major Depression category and i also
    got bi polar and other metal problems > . < this really does help a Lil well at least a lot more then my therapy or any of my Anti-Depressant meds :3 thumbs up x200 I'm Also Adopted from Ukraine I was adopted when was like 12 2005 I'm 21 now and I went and got Diagnosed and I knew somethings was wrong I cannot handle an actual job cause of my depression i get Depressed like so dang easily and emotional and stressed out > . < that's why i was put on SSI > .
    < But yeah this did help a bit ^^ thank you loll.. I apologies for my lack of English spelling/grammar > . <

  13. Thanks so much jodi!! Me and my daughter listen to your videos Every night!
    You truly are a blessing. Keep doing what you do☺️you are amazing at it.
    Thank you again

  14. +Jody Whiteley May God bless you and reward you for your great work and may
    he guide you and fill u with contempt

  15. This has helped me through many months of anxiety and depression. It
    allowed me to sleep, rest and continue to become healthy each day! Thank
    you so very much!

  16. I listened to this the past two night and had some intense dreams. Not
    quite nightmares, but in no way were they good dreams.

  17. Hope this helps, Im pretty depressed and would like to have more self
    confidence. I feel ugly, not smart enough to be successful in this world.
    I’m always sad and suffer from worrying. I feel like a complete loser at
    times… I’m 28 years old and just really want help. 🙂 

  18. Is there any way to enhance what you are saying? I have my volume up high
    and because I am almost deaf, i can’t hear all that well. I do know that
    even if I can’t hear you, my soul can. I haven’t slept this peacefully in
    a long time. Nightmares have stopped and I feel way more relaxed for some
    reason. My severe depression isn’t such a problem now that I have
    something to take my mind off of the stress, and this has become my escape
    even though I can’t hear you all that well. But do you have any videos
    that the sound quality is a little better so I can hear not just with my
    soul but my ears?

  19. Jody,
    I just wanted to thank you for sharing all of these videos. I’ve been
    listening for a few weeks, and this is the first time ever that I’ve found
    relief from my insomnia. I really love your videos. I have shared them
    with friends, too.

  20. I listen to this every night and i ALWAYS fall asleep,ive suffered with
    insomnia years but since this i sleep like a baby,jody i think your
    fantastic and thankyou xxx

  21. This is interesting, it’s cool, I’m trying… but how are you supposed to
    fall asleep when she continues talking? I’m relaxing but my mind becomes
    more and more awake…

  22. wow! amazing sleep… First time in ages i didnt get woken with a panic
    attack, feel soooooo refreshed! Definately recommend!!!! THANKYOU

  23. In my opinion, the only reason there aren’t 2million plus “likes” is
    because Jody is that good. We all are sleeping in no time! This is my
    favorite for sleep. The fairy tale is good, too. Thank you, Jody XO

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