Secrets behind Korea`s Economic Success

This documentary unveils secrets about how Korea, once the poorest country in the world, escaped poverty and grew to become the World’s 14th largest economy and the first Asian nation to host the G20 summit, in 2010. The film identifies key factors behind Korea’s economic success such as Korea’s strategies, incessant efforts and investment that helped the nation achieve what the world came to call the “Miracle on the Han River.”

38 Replies to “Secrets behind Korea`s Economic Success”

  1. Korea has been working very hard for decades. They deserve the success
    Few months ago, China and South Korea signed FTA which will help Korean
    exports to China immensely e.g. without the tariffs, Korean cars to China
    can save 22% cost.. Another positive data for countries like Korea
    trading with China. It is estimated that China’s middle-class population
    will reach 500 – 800 millions in 2020 to 2025. Korea will rocket as close
    neighbor China become world’s largest consumer market.

  2. isn’t samsung responsible for like 20% of korean GDP or something? talking
    about putting all the eggs in 1 basket…

  3. i hope the muslims don’t start populating korea and destroying it from
    within like what they are doing to my country… muslims are such pests

  4. I don’t have words to say South Korea is marvelous Asian people are very
    hardworking, hope my country fellows see this video and learn their
    economic model, India got independence 63 years ago and still it is
    underdeveloped with rampant poverty and unemployment.

  5. Japan have to thank Korea cuz Korea war made Japan’s economic success~
    If Korea war doesn’t exist, Japan’s economic is not able to progress well
    cuz Japan didn’t have anything if America helped them !! From that time
    Japenise have copied all of America brands and have exported them for
    making money until now, Fu*k out here Japenise, ok?

  6. 박정희라는 엔진달고 대한민국 달려서 여기까지 온거다… WWe A love our gloval World …
    Thank you….. IN THE WORLD…. 감사합니다.. Merci Gracizia. …
    Arigato 日本 ……Greater UUUUUU S Ameria… 

  7. 전쟁나기전이나 일본식민지배 당하기전에도 세계에서 제일 가난했나? 왜자꾸 세계 최빈국이었던걸 강조하지? 전쟁나면 제로가 되는건
    당연한건데, 자꾸 원래부터 세계최빈국인거처럼 말하는지 이해가 안간다. 이러니까 현재 못사는 국가들이 한국을 질시하지. 필리핀처럼.
    저것들 원래 못먹고 못살던 놈들인데, 지금 밥좀 먹고산다고 으스대는것처럼 보이잖아. 조선후기때 우리가 필리핀 태국,아프리카보다
    못살았으면 인정한다.

  8. South Korea should kick out the white monkeys, unite with North Korea,
    accept their Sinospheric origins, and let China deal with their huge
    poverty issues, about 17% under the poverty line.

  9. There has to be made an effort to make china help north korean refugees to
    south korea. On or off the record.

  10. LA NACIÓN que era una de lamas pobre del mundo.Y hora es una de lamas
    avanzada en la electrónica del mundo. 

  11. 해방후 미국의 압력에 못이겨 지원된 일본의 무상 3억달러는 일본이 우리를 강점하면서 근대 대한제국의 조세권 수탈(당시 금액으로 천문학적
    310억엔 달합니다. 러일 전쟁에서 일본이 미국,영국 등에 빌리고 전쟁 치룬 막대한 돈이 20억엔정도)과 미국이 들어오기 전에 다시
    대한민국에 막대한 부도채를 훔쳐갔습니다.
    그외 35년동안 대대적 악랄한 인적, 자원, 식량 수탈을 하고(6.25 전란 때보다 일제강점기때 성장기가 성장점이 최저점이었습니다.)
    해방 이후에나 겨우 반강제 협의된 3억달러는 일본의 수많은 강탈과 유린에 비하면 작은 것입니다.
    일본의 원조라 함은 공적개발원조(ODA: Official Development Assistance)의 유엔 협의로써 일본이 1차적으로
    아시아 지역에 책임이 있었기 때문이며, 다자간원조는 각 국가들의 분담금으로 형성이 됩니다. 일본의 증여는 무상증여가 아니라 ODA에
    있어 일본이 제공한 것들 중에 많은 부분이 대외경제협력기금 형태의 구속성원조(타이드 형태)입니다.
    한국도 경제개발 이후 ODA와 1987년 EDCF가 설립되어 개발도상국(이하 개도국)에 야허성 차관을 지원하기 시작했고, (한국은
    원조국에서 지원국으로 바뀐 유일한 케이스입니다.) 1991년 설립된 코이카는 무상자금협력과 기술협력을 본격적으로 추친하였습니다.
    2011년 기준으로 양자간 ODA는 아프리카에 18% 중남미에 6.5% 정도로 분할되며, 최근에는 아시아 지역의 지원 비중이 감소되고
    최빈국 지원 증대 등으로 아프리카 비중이 상승하고 있습니다.

  12. 동영상은 괜찮은데 댓글이 좀 별로네요.
    (관종->泰輔落合) 근데 이 관종은 뭐임? 모든 댓글에 뭐 한국인 은 거짓말쟁이다하고
    lg와 삼성은 일본의 제품을 배낀것이다라고 하고 독도는 일본 땅이다 라고하고. 아무론 근거없는 소리를 하네요 댓글 읽으면서 화가나요.
    정말 이런 관종은 없어 져야함.

  13. Just “Education” is not everything. “Perfect Education” which does matter.
    Dont forget that most of the young people of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Katar,
    UAE recieve good education and the education rate is honorable. But when
    they learn a new scientific method or a law of physics, the first thing
    they do is yelling about the Scientific value of their cult religious book
    and their allah. So, it is stupid to assume that Arabs will be as good as
    Koreans in the IT or any kind of work that require “perfect education”. 

  14. we love south koreans in México! they work hard and create jobs and are
    very honest. They are welcome here as far as I am concerned. They are a
    great example on how to get out of poverty. Much respect! 

  15. When you have the hardest working + highest IQ in the world = Success.

    Pretty simple isn’t it?
    Works for every human nature.

    See basketball.
    work ethic + natural talent = LeBron James
    no work ethic + natural talent = Tracy McGrady
    work ethic + minimal talent = Norris Cole
    no work ethic + minimal talent = Bum
    Kinda see the idea?

  16. Thank you Mr. Park for changing our nation. You brought Korea out of
    crippling poverty and rampant corruption to one of the wealthiest nations
    in Asia and in the world. People may accuse you for human rights abuses
    today but the older generations, who lived through post war hell, never
    forgot your contributions to our country and still regard you as the best
    president in ROK history. 

  17. well proud my country we are number 1 weed production all young people them
    don’t know write and red , all droggy successful country people are behind
    time racist still in this era… come to weed planet…. think they are
    only white people in world and bitchis lot and we always talk about human
    right and we are the world lol and we play the bored football in world …

  18. It’s funny how americans were sceptical about koreans capacity and then
    aknowledged their capacity once they became developped… it’s so easy
    huh.. And what’s wrong with the japanese comments here ? it’s about S.korea
    economic miracle, it has nothing to do with the Island problem.. DAMN

  19. During the IMF crisis many korean households donated gold to the government
    which in turn bailed out big corporations from debt. If it wasn’t for the
    korean ppl samsung, hyundai and many big corporations in korea would have
    went bankrupt. They owe a lot to the korean ppl but yet they still treat
    their employees and the korean ppl like shit. Piece of shit companies.

  20. I would be very grateful to anyone who could suggest either a book or a
    documentary about the details and the impact of the 5 year plans. Thank

  21. actually Japs king family were slave position in ancient korea Bakje,They
    got almost every curtural ways from korea in those days.japan were kind of
    somalia pirates nowadays.but Japs never teach to people that Their ancester
    R korean.

  22. Idk why they`re emphasising that korea was very poor. Obviously any country
    would experience poverty after several numbers of wars. But the way they
    sound like is they`re saying korea was one of the poorest country even
    before the war, which kinda disturbs me

  23. Geez, so many hate comments. I mean when I look up at any Japanese
    documentaries, there’s isn’t any hate from any other nationalities. I say
    that those that are trolling with racist remark are just messed up. I mean
    just cuz both country (Korea and Japan) did something from the past,
    doesn’t mean that they are one. I understand that there is frustration and
    provoking going on. To those that are irritating provoked, I sincerely
    apologized on their behalfs. To those that are provoking others, if you
    don’t like this video or just trying to tease them, just stop. I mean, we
    all know better than that. I do not wish to be friends or enemies to
    anyone. But this hated remark has got to stop. So if you want to leave any
    hated replies to me, first think about what you are going to do. Cuz I can
    tell you that it is NOT worth anything to gain at all. Anyways, I hope
    things get beneficial to both parties. I thank you.

  24. And I can’t understand one thing. Why you Koreans and Japanese hate each
    others always ? You both are very close neighbors. You both are similar in
    many ways. You both look exactly same to me. You should love, help each
    others. Stop looking for a reason to fight. I think Land is the main issue
    here. If both of you think some territory or island called Takeshima/Dokdo
    or whatever belong to you Japanese or Koreans then why don’t you just go
    there and just ask every inhabitant of there and make some genuine report.
    If more of the people living there want to introduce themselves as Korean
    then its a Korean Island. If more of the people are Japanese there then its
    Japanese Land. If they just want to be remain as people of Dokdo or People
    of Takeshima then leave them as independent state. Both country send some
    government’s officials and work on it. And there wont be no more argument
    and feeling of hatred for one another. You both are the most progressive
    countries of Asia. Both of you should teach us about how to maintain good
    diplomatic relationship with neighboring countries. If you keep fighting
    with each others always then what we developing or least developed Asian
    countries can learn from you guys. Just give up the fight, love, help each
    others and help us too by being a good motivation and role model..

  25. Pack Tae-jun who Former Chairman of POSCO said, “This budget is blood money
    of our ancestors. If we fail, turn toward the sea and just drown in there.”
    Then all workers, including Pack himself, worked really hard even didn’t
    sleep well.
    That’s the reason of success.

  26. 착한 독재는 존재한다. 박정희 아니었으면 우리나라 지금 동남아처럼 살았을거다. 지금처럼 야당 여당 민주주의 식으로 하루죙일

  27. ★ 절라도는 아직도 박정희 독재 타령하고 있네. 전세계가 칭송하고 있는데….ㅉㅉㅉㅉ 하긴 한것도 없으니 허구한날 독재 어쩌고
    물고늘어질수 밖에… 그런다고 김대중이가 존중받는 것도 아닐텐데 ㅉ

  28. Does leadership exist? or does it really have a meaning or an effect on our

    If the major change doesn’t come from above so why do we blame our
    governments for our problems, why did the Arab people made all these
    revolutions if leadership is a myth and change doesn’t come from above.

    But if you believe that change comes from above then there is hope for
    countries which are misguided, All the big powers in the world need to do
    is to give experience and guidance for those Very very high officials of
    poor countries.

    You just can’t tell me that ALLLLL of the poor countries problems are
    corruption, I believe there are many countries in the world just need
    guidance and planning to become more advance and more prosperou

  29. My parents are of that generation. Lived through the Korean War. I have
    heard first hand stories of all this. Fascinating to see the videos and

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