Functional Medicine Comprehensive Stool Test

Dr. Amy Myers, a functional medicine physician describes the comprehensive stool test that she uses in her clinic to diagnose leaky gut.

**Pricing for lab tests is subject to change. Please visit for updated pricing**

45 Replies to “Functional Medicine Comprehensive Stool Test”

  1. Hi Dr. Amy,
    Amazing explanation! Not all lab tests are created equal (A wise someone
    told me). May I ask what lab you use for most of your testing including the
    comprehensive stool test? 

  2. Hi Dr Myers 🙂 I was wondering if anti-anxiety, anti-depressents (such as
    sertraline) could affect gut health?

  3. My daughter was diagnosed with SIBO with a breath test after a year of
    problems and tests. She completed a third round of antibiotics about a week
    or week and a half ago, and the bloating has started again. She had been
    feeling so much better and the bloating was minimal while she was on the
    medication. Her doctor said he must do some research before prescribing
    more. She is following a FODMAP diet. We are stumped as to what the next
    step should be. She also has a hiatal hernia and takes prescription proton
    pump meds for heartburn. She was having reflux, evidently during sleep,
    that took the enamel off her teeth, so getting off those meds will be
    difficult. What would you suggest as the next step? She lives in Alexandria

  4. Thank you for your expertise! Doc found protein floating in my blood
    several years ago. I can’t put on weight, I have unexplained frequent
    urination at night (up to 4x nightly) which is destroying my life (tests
    for bladder infections etc always negative!) I bloat easily but take
    enzymes with every meal and have an exemplary, mostly veg, diet (no wheat,
    no dairy, no junk) Wish you were here in Canada. Help! Is that test
    available in Quebec, CAN.?

  5. The parasites and candida can really make you someone that you are not,not
    in a good way either.Some parasites will leave the gut, and go to the
    brain, and other organs causing weird feelings to no feelings, you need to
    find them before its too late.The sad part is, you can pick the same
    parasite up easily after you’ve been cured.

  6. I have been doing alot of research on Toxicity of old root canals. quite a
    bit of info that supports the idea that root canals can brew some nasty
    anerobic bacteria even after sterilization. seems like it is something to
    be considered in the path of getting back to health.

  7. At first I hit the gluten free diet really hard. My Wife calls me Ghandi
    already so I didnt need to loose any weight in the first place but I
    probably did. i noticed that I began feeling a bit weak in just doing mild
    functioning. I then added a bit of sweets and high carbs to my diet and
    felt quite a bit better quickly. I still wont touch red meat or dairy but
    poultry and fish are treats that I dabble in once in a great while. I will
    ask my physician if He thinks I should stool test. He knows my overall
    health better than anyone. What ever Doc says goes. I’ll let You know what
    happens. BTW! it is wonderful to hear a Doctor validate what I feel is
    right for my health. its all about my gut. Thank You again.

  8. Angelica Willder
    I would really like some help..especially finding out what is my real
    problem with my digestive problems..they got worse after a gall bladder
    surgery ..that I really needed..found out it was only working 17%..will you
    please help the end of my rope..would like to hear from Dr.Amy
    Myers..thank you!

  9. Really really appreciate your videos! I am currently trying to find out why
    I’m having health issues related to this and watching the videos has given
    me a lot of insight! Thanks! 

  10. This is a great video! For those of us who don’t live in Austin, how do you
    recommend we find a doctor that is willing/able to perform this test? Does
    it have a specific name?

  11. Is there an at home mail in test available? I don’t feel like I really
    have any symptoms of anything, but wonder if everyone should have this test
    just to know for sure??

  12. i wonder if Labcorps has a comprehensive stool test that is worthwile? be
    nice to run some of this thru my insurance.

  13. is it helpful with Alopecia?? Ive had severe acne and taken antibiotics on
    off for years than I got alopecia..Where can i get more information?

  14. Comprehensive stool test is the name of this test? I’ve had two that were
    not even close to as detailed as this stool test. Can this test be done at
    any local hospital or lab?


    Schuyler Sprinz

  16. so nice to watch a video by a Dr who really knows their stuff on this topic
    and is able to deliver the information in a clear and simple way.

    My health is in a really bad way and im at a total dead end. Issues with
    skin (acne/rashes/hives/comedones), react to EVERYTHING i eat and drink
    (except water), gaining weight, suffer with insomnia, anxiety, stress.

    I was previously treated for candida and parasites. Not sure the state now,
    waiting for the results of a comp. stool analysis which was sent over to
    the UK (im in Dubai UAE currently).

    Im not having a positive experience wth the practicioners out here and need
    one good source of info/support to follow. I wish you were not so far away.
    I am confident i have leaky gut, candida and MAYBE some paracites.

    Where can i start? how can you help? i am desperate to fix my poor body –
    im scared that its getting worse n worse and will lead to something really

    I hope you can help somehow!

  17. can my doctor use this test for me? Does it have a special name or does the
    sample have to go to a special lab? I have peritoneal cancer and recently
    have been tested for some intestinal issues. the GI doctor found I have an
    overgrowth of bacteria and has prescribed the Xifaxan. looking for

  18. When analyzing the stool test or a urine test when the patient shows high
    levels of the good guys and yeast is present, how do you rebalance the
    overgrowth of the good guys? Is taking an antibiotic the only route, or can
    a Multi prong approach of treating yeast with natural antifungals/strong
    probiotic/rotation diet/adrenal support enough. I’m concerned that if yeast
    and small bacterial overgrowth are both present I want to be sure I’m
    tackling both.

  19. This stool report looks like Geneva/Metamatrix.. what do you think about
    Doctor’s Data? They seem to be the cheapest yet do not require a doctor to
    order. Any thoughts? Thanks. 

  20. Laura you can search functional medicine and look for someone in your area.
    many people travel from Dallas to see me and we can do all visit by phone
    after one in-person visit in Austin.

  21. Thank you, I will be looking into to this. Enjoy your videos and post on
    FB. Keep spreading the word you are doing great things.

  22. I would love to come see you, I love the way you look at health and
    medicine and nutrition. I am from the Dallas area, do you know any doctor
    that you would recommend in this area that Practices medicine they way you
    do. Love the video very informational. Thank you

  23. I am very interested in this process and am wondering if anyone in alberta
    Canada does this type of work that you may know of as it sounds very
    fitting for myself.

  24. Hi Amy, excellent info and approach! Many have known this for sometime but
    why it’s not more prevalent across the medical profession and healthcare
    industry is woeful ! Anyway take care and thanks. One question, do you
    think almost all GI conditions can be treated through treating LG &
    Candida?? I have Duodenitis & Gastritis & Hiatal Hernia! Any advice?? keep
    smilin’ 😉

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