The Psychology of Self-Motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech

Scott Geller is Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems in the Department of Psychology. He i…

49 Replies to “The Psychology of Self-Motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech”

  1. Thanks for the nothing. Everyone knows if you have a goal you are golden.
    BUT how can you find worthy goals in your life, which can keep you
    interested in the long run and can also put bread on the table? That is the
    real question which was again not answered in this talk either.

  2. The truth of life has been revealed, the truth is you are not in control,
    you just react to your environment always. Free will is an illusion. Google *Truth
    contest* and check out the truth the evidence suggests. 

  3. dlwatib> He’s over-confident and over-authoritative in his hand gestures.
    He points his fingers too much, especially at the audience…

    I disagree, IMO, his hand gestures are articulate, and well-related to what
    he’s saying.

    dlwatib> His default hand position is the “tented hands” self-confidence

    His ‘default hand position’ is with the fingers of each hand resting on the
    corresponding fingers of the other hand, and both hands at rest above the
    solar plexus. I see this as a balanced, focused position. And where did
    you say your degree in body language is from?

  4. My first and only hero told it to me it best, sixty-odd years ago,

    “I ain’t got no edjalalacation, but I got SENSE like NOBODY’S bizznezzz!”

    An, he was RIGHT! That’s howcome I am what I AM!

    Just eat yer SPINNITCH!!!!!!

  5. HI, I’m a 20 year old with Aspergers which is an antisocial disorder. If I
    have a problem communicating my feelings and opinions to other irl, what do
    “I” need to do? To become Self-motivated.

  6. As a psychiatrist I can tell you that in general the field of psychiatry
    really doesn’t allow enough freedom of action on people’s part… An awful
    lot of problems that get labeled as psychological problems really amount to
    people making rotten choices…

  7. I find it hard to get motivated working for somebody else I know I can
    probably come up with strategies to get myself motivated but nothing is
    going to motivate me as much as working for myself being in charge of my
    own destiny and actually having a chance to make what I’m actually worth
    because it’s all up to me I learned that decided to start my own business
    it’s worked out well for me

  8. He’s over-confident and over-authoritative in his hand gestures. He points
    his fingers too much, especially at the audience. And he also uses a lot of
    “hands down” power gestures over the audience. His default hand position is
    the “tented hands” self-confidence gesture.

    The talk itself is OK, but could certainly be improved. There are a couple
    of TED talks that make clear that it’s not just any praise that is
    important to receive, but praise of effort that focuses attention on
    learning and improvement rather than achievement.

  9. Amazing lecture!!! He really explain about the process of self-motivation
    and how it can affect our live, but he too explain that in the same time we
    learn and teach.

  10. Of course the concept of “online training” exists. You learn online what to
    do by watching videos and reading stuff, then you do it int he physical
    world. There is no contradiction of any kind; the guy just doesn´t seem to
    understand the concept.

  11. Online Training is entirely possible… if you’re a software designer,
    software operator, or software developer. 

  12. i hope all this internet stuff awakens enough of the population on this
    planet to exponentially accelerate our evolution before we self distruct
    from ignorance

  13. I think he has too much faith in our “education” system by distinguishing
    between it and training. It’s basically just unskilled laborer training.
    That’s the primary function of (public) schools today: to train a workforce
    to get up in the morning, go in to work all day (and you better be on time
    damn it), always follow instructions even if there’s a quicker and/or
    better way, and never question people with authority over you.

  14. Thank you very much Professor Geller. I feel like a success seeker now.
    This has changed the way I see many things. This information has
    dramatically changed my life.

  15. Thank you Scott I need this!

    Scott Geller is Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and
    Director of the Center for Applied Behavior Systems in the Department of
    Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the
    Association for Psychological Science, and the World Academy of
    Productivity and Quality. He has written numerous articles and books,
    including When No One’s Watching: Living and Leading Self-motivation. Scott
    will examine how we can become self-motivated in “The Psychology of

  16. I think Scott Geller’s hand and arm movements/actions are really quite
    articulate. They complement his verbal presentation very well. Almost a

  17. Live long enough you will understand goals and there is so much to have–but
    we have educated generations to destroy our imagination in public schools.
    To learn to trust your intuition – which is your best friend. Look up
    Napoleon Hill: Conversation with the Devil. It’s on and in
    audio form.

  18. bla bla. Nothing new here, 100 s of books on motivation, thought there was
    more technique. Gr8 speech if you have never read or heard these basic
    facts of motivation.Nothing special in this speech at all, only an elderly
    man trying to be witty who has had lots of coffee. No offense though!

  19. All three questions are written in same oder in chankya neeti,an indian
    scholar named chsnkya written that in 1000 ad best thing if you want
    anything about life

  20. 3 Qns:
    1. Can you do it ?
    2. Will it work ?
    3. Is it worth it?

    Be a success seeker rather than a failure avoiders!


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