Spirit Science 22 (part 1) ~ EnLIGHTenment

If there’s one thing I’ve found in my life, it’s that things are never quite as they seem. The rabbit hole goes infinitely small as it does infinitely large, and that the only true sanctuary from the mess we’ve made externally, is within ones own self.
Ghandi said “The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought”.
So this is a video about how pretty much every ancient culture and belief system believes not only that in Light there is Truth, Expression, Creation, and Love… and also that You and I too are of that Light.
We are the Universe!
We are Light Beings, Albert Einstein proved it with E=MC2.
(Everything = Energy = Light Manifesting as Reality w/ Density = We are Light!)
I hope you enjoy! All comments welcome 😀

37 Replies to “Spirit Science 22 (part 1) ~ EnLIGHTenment”

  1. Them bad comment people live in a 3rd dimensional world manipulated by the
    Draco (Grey aliens and the raptiods) lol.. its true. Look at the world
    right now.. wars in america and other conflicts.. natural disaster.

    Dooms day 21/12/3012 was a shift in consciousness. Or evolution in the
    human mind or should I say genetic mutation evolution to a high frequency.
    Be open!

  2. Patch..please share with me the name of some of these movie you get the
    clips from..would love to watch them please

  3. I thought the truth was supposed to set me free, but it’s just driving me
    nuts, I just can’t understand the things these people say.

  4. I hate leaving comments on YouTube but this has gone far enough. I cannot
    believe that the haters of this show are just stupid. Yes, I called the
    haters of this show stupid. I just want to stop them from saying those
    words because, c’mon. Let us be mature here, why are you guys even fighting
    about this? You guys are so immature you sound like this: “Oh my gosh, this
    show is so unscientific! I should leave a comment saying that they’re
    stupid.” There is a feeling called hurt, and words hurt and manipulate the
    mind. For eample: Me saying you’re stupid. Will that hurt you? Of course it
    will, well, not physically. But it will hurt you psychologically and
    mentally. There is also something called criticism. I just want to say
    these words because it just drives me crazy. Also, please, haven’t your
    parents taught you that if *You can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything
    at all* Our society is evolving more and more chaotic by the second… One
    word, *STOP* criticism

  5. 10:30 What’a farce! Appealing to natural human weaknesses by making them
    think brain activity(consciousness) doesn’t dissipate, but instead, goes on
    in some vague sense of an atomic state of awareness. He’s just one of the
    countless number of pitiful people who harbor faint dreams of living in a
    metaphysical world and is frustrated by reality. He’s a member of the
    working class who is pathetically out of touch with reality.

  6. These Spirit Science series are amazing and I appreciate the Love and
    sacrifice which goes into producing these – thank you <3 I'd like to offer
    clarification on a couple of the dimensions: 1 ~ 3 is spot on although 3D
    encompasses all physicality. 4D is often misunderstood and is in fact the
    collective consciousness. 5D is Love and all the energies therein.

  7. People will believe any kind of B.S. when you promise them eternal life! No
    one wants to die, and they grasp at straws! “Spiritual Light”? Devine
    Nature? Give me a break! Are you trying to keep people ignorant? Just
    because the Gods of the Bible and the Qur’an have been totally disproven
    beyond any shadow of doubt (to anyone who understands evidence) doesn’t
    mean that you have to fabricate alternatives to keep people ignorant of
    reality! Science has better explanations, there is no room for spirits or
    Gods, just let the ancient superstitions die off, and don’t make up new
    delusions! Science doesn’t care what you’re trying to get people to
    believe! “Enlightenment” That’s a joke! HA!

  8. I am truly sad that people actually believe this…

    I find great comfort in reality than in fantasy.
    We ARE connected to the universe. The atoms that make up us are from
    distant galaxies , and after we die we allow other planets and life forms
    to come after us by giving our bodies to allow another adventure to take
    I am a part if the universe, something much greater than.

    We should not fear reality but embrace it.
    There’s poetry to nature and we do not need to make up stories to realize
    that the fact that we are Here is amazing.

    Live in the NOW, it is pretty incredible.

    Have a wonderful day.

  9. There was a pretty crazy and obvious mistake here at around the 9:00 mark.
    Atoms are NOT the most primal building blocks of everything. The atoms that
    were around during the big bang do not exist now. Come on– even in a
    previous video it was mentioned that we are “star stuff” as well as fusion
    and fission.
    Fusion and fission are of ATOMS. After the big bang there were probably
    only hydrogen atoms, they collapsed into stars and all stars then forged
    the other elements by fusing hydrogen atoms.
    Fission and fusion of molecules is considerably easier than that of atoms,
    but fusion and fission of atoms still happens. Maybe if you go down to the
    next step and say that particles are eternal and cannot be created or
    destroyed and all the particles (electrons, protons and neutrons) created
    during the big bang are still around– but that isn’t even true because
    they can be destroyed and if they are ever ever encounter antiparticles,
    they are most certainly destroyed with a big burst of energy.
    In fact, the search for the Higgs boson was about destroying electrons to
    try to find the thing they gives them mass.
    How was a mistake made that even a middle school science student could have

  10. *This will help you to find the way to enlightenment: go to
    TruthContest○Com and read ~~The Present~~*

  11. Lol foreclosure? Now that I don’t believe some how I think he added that as
    a little joke. >.> ( No I’m not a hater I just think that’s kind of odd )

  12. It’s all about jealousy. They see the views spirit science gets and they
    are jealous. So they attack spirit science to get people to look at
    they’re videos and try to get theyre view up. Without out that no one
    cares what they say about anything.

  13. “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”
    “Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.”
    “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
    “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.”
    “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in
    “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain,
    as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”
    “I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.”
    Albert Einstein

  14. My friends be at peace do not argue do not be haters be lovers do you do
    not have to believe this but those do be better than the haters

  15. atoms definitely decay… the rate that an atom decays is called its “half
    life” it’s how ‘carbon dating’ works

  16. Eight minutes and thirteen seconds in the video, there is a crappy
    foreclosure picture instead of what I understand should have been “an
    amazing scene”. I’m not doubting that there isn’t a awesome scene, but I
    would very much like to see it. Is there some way that this can be

  17. Oh my god i finally understand why I haven’t been understanding these
    videos, I am trying to scientifically understand everything with no
    spiritual thought.

  18. What you are saying about the school system is so true, but to resist what
    they are teaching brings massive conflict. I had my son removed from a
    section of social studies after he brought home a worksheet instructing him
    to always listen to “people in uniform” before his parents. Our children
    are being brainwashed to conform and never consider any possibilities!

  19. so today as i was in my meditation, i realized something.. I was sitting in
    the sun on a Sunday and suddenly i began to feel this energy seeping
    through me. I began to feel recharged i allowed this energy into me and i
    absorbed all i could through my crown and thrid eye. I realized that maybe
    ancient civilzations didn’t ‘worship’ the sun but always truely meditated
    and appreciated and just like you said in this video LOVED THE SUN we take
    nature for granted now adays, we have a very simple scientific explaination
    for things is seems easier to know than to feel.

  20. Ok so I have other lives like everyone else but I remember some of them.
    I lived a life long ago and remember some of it so when I got born here I
    thought people were NUTS what happened while I was gone? Have they elected
    nuts people to run the world it is so different now. I said this to my
    mother who only just opened her mouth and stared at me…… OK dear that
    was interesting. That is nice dear after I said the wildest things as a
    child. Ok moving on as you say. Left and right hands. I was told to use
    only my right hand as everyone else was. But I thought well we didn’t do
    that in my other life what kind of ( ) is this stupid rule? Nice to have
    comparative lives so you don’t get marred down in the muke of each life.
    Everyone being brainwashed at their time period or place period. So I
    told my mother look God gave you two hands use them both. I started to
    play the piano for more exercise and I taught both my hands everything. I
    vowed to use more then 10 percent of my brain as a child. So then at about
    30 I realized that is IT! I figured it out. They told people to use only
    one hand because it keeps the mind from working together. See if you study
    reflexology and massage and you learn that the left hand works with with
    this side of your brain. Your right hand works with this side of your
    brain and when you use all of your body both sides of your brain works
    together with 2 legs and 2 hands arms etc. That is it. In order to make
    the future stupid to dumb it down they made a rule that people could only
    use one hand !!! So I was upset and started to teach my feet to write and
    (so far I have not taught anything to spell) to think. I think that
    feelings and thoughts are also stored in the body in places that massage
    can get to bring out the full human experience. Pretty cool from then on I
    thought I should look at all the ways people try to keep other people down
    by training generations of children to only us part of their brains or
    their bodies….. So anyway I love your Spirit Science am learning away.
    Thanks Grace Namaste

  21. There are so many amazing things about this video, and waaay to much for me
    to try to talk about, so I’m just going to say… you’re awesome for not
    only presenting this information, but also because you put Lindsey
    Stirling’s music, and (a) scene(s) fromThe Fountain, and Tengen Toppa
    Gurren Lagann. awesome.


  22. oh my gosh youtube is advertising that the simple reality is going to be
    foreclosed 0.0 ( it weird youtube overlap at 8:18 ) 

  23. Beloved, infinite gratitude for all your work */*
    Thank you so much for providing their time doing this amazing series for all
    This is a true act of love. I call the “build love”
    I wish you peace, light, love and joy
    In Lak’ech

  24. I am new to all this meditation, but ive always been aware of what spirit
    science is trying to explain, one night I fell asleep meditating on my bed.
    Next ting I see is a circle radiating with lil sparkly lights, and from the
    circle a glittering path came from the circle onto me. 

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