A powerful trio: Study, meditation and practical living

When we read an inspiring book, we magnetically link up with the mind of the author. However, real evolution happens when we meditate on what we read and when we then proceed to render the reading of practical value.

Reading is an activity of the lower, concrete mind. Meditation is an activity of the higher, abstract mind. Through meditation we awaken the inner consciousness which enables us to directly perceive the message. Meditation enables us to directly link up with the wisdom of the Higher Self and to download all that wisdom – through the channel we build in meditation by our reaching out – into our brain consciousness.

That’s why the ancient rule says: Read one minute, meditate one hour. Read ten minutes, meditate ten hours.

From the point of evolution, the key to quicken our Spiritual growth is a mix of study, meditation and practical living.

Through study we tune our brain and make it vibrationally ready to hold more knowledge and wisdom in the form of higher voltage of electricity that we access through meditation.

Through meditation we access the higher wisdom of our Higher Self and are enabled to anchor it in our brain awareness.

Through practical living of the insight gained we anchor it in our nervous system and make the teaching real. Theory turns into practice, and at the end of the day that’s the whole goal of study and meditation.

We have an evolutionary goal, the goal being the anchorage of full Soul-consciousness in our brain awareness. Our goal is to make the reality of the eternal Soul real by becoming one with it, identifying with it and living it in our daily life.

How may we anchor the high consciousness of the Soul in our brain so we may finally fully step into our Higher Self and identity?

Step 1: Tune the brain and make it vibrationally ready to hold the high voltage of the Soul. One way to accomplish this is through the study of inspired literature.

Step 2: Link up with the wisdom of the Higher Self through meditating on the inspired literature and the reality of the Soul.

Step 3: Live up to the insights you gain. Anchor the experience in your nervous system and make it real.

ACTION STEP: For the next seven days follow the 3-step process.

TURN YOUR PROBLEMS INTO PROJECTS: Do you need help with your studies, meditation and practical living, or do you have personal problems and challenges that you would like to solve quickly, masterfully and joyfully by turning them into inspiring projects and catalysts for Spiritual growth? Or would you just like some help stepping into self-mastery and speeding up your evolutionary journey? If so, you may book a one-to-one coaching appointment with Gloria HERE

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