An Inspirational Video 1 – The Law Of Attraction

Want more inspiration? Visit to watch a full length webinar” for FREE on “The 3 Step Proven Formula to Bounce Back — Instantly (and Higher than Ever) When Life Knocks You Down” with #1 bestselling author Sonia Ricotti!. She is also the creator of this inspirational video.

30 Replies to “An Inspirational Video 1 – The Law Of Attraction”

  1. i have seen this video more than 500 times, still motivates me, what a
    video, superb, just superb……… no words, n salute to the devloper of
    this video

  2. Too bad they put in Mother Teresa, who was such an antisemitic individual
    that she would not allow us Jewish couple to adopt an Indian child in need.
    She should never be shown as someone to aspire to-unless it is the Nazi
    party or the KKK.

  3. Hi hi! Have you heard the talk about – learn attraction laws fast? (google
    learn attraction laws fast) Ive heard some interesting things about it and
    my mate got great results with it. 

  4. Once our spirit/soul realizes, at the deepest level of our being, that
    focusing most of our attention on getting more “things” from outside of
    ourselves to try and “fill us up on the inside” is, in the end, a fools
    game. Because lasting happiness only comes from the inside – as a result of
    “growing our being,” expanding our awareness, becoming more than we once
    were. Working to try and get what we want and failing usually creates
    massive frustration. And even getting what we want often satisfies us only
    for a short while, leading to more desires and more self-serving effort in
    an endless game of more, more, more.

    It isn’t working to get more, but rather, working to become more, inside,
    that creates a foundational “soul level” of fulfillment – which in turn
    engenders a richer kind of happiness/existence. And, most significantly,
    everyone around us benefits from our spiritual growth, as well, because the
    natural result of “expanding our spirit/soul” is that we learn to care more
    and more about others.

    There’s a reason why so many spiritual teachers say the purpose of our
    existence in this material reality is to grow, spiritually. And traveling a
    spiritual path is not some kind of sacrifice, as many people see it,
    because we can pursue our earthly dreams and goals at the same time. It
    just won’t be with the same need and longing because our inner journey is
    so fulfilling, giving us what our souls really crave. Embarking on a true
    spiritual journey is the greatest gift that any human being can give to
    themselves. Cheers. 

  5. The Law Of Attraction is a pseudoscientific metaphor extracted from quantum
    mechanics and legitimized, not based on inferences but pseudo-empiricism.
    the success of these mediocrities are contingent on two factors: the appeal
    to authority and the compartmentalization of personal biases. Trailing the
    evidence and dealing with the consequences regardless of personal biases,
    tends to protrude objective reasoning rather than subjective appeal to
    personal desires. Conversely enough, the former has propagated generations
    of rapacious gullibility. A credulity riveted on emotions and viable
    nothing more that prejudice of ideology.

  6. “The Law of Attraction” Watch the video at: An Inspirational Video 1 – The
    Law Of Attraction

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