Ashtanga Yoga: Supta Padangusthasana with Kino
This posture comes at the end of the Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga and it involves both control of the core of the body as well as a test of hamstring and hip flexibility. When doing this posture it is important to stabilize the pelvis and let the movements come naturally. Rotate the hip joint externally to bring the leg to the side while using the core strength to lift the body when the leg is in parallel position.

Keywords/Tags: Kino Yoga, #KinoYoga, Yoga, Legs, Stretch, Ashtanga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, Power, Core, Primary Series, Vinyasa, Hatha, Home Practice, Kino MacGregor, Supta Padangusthasana, Miami, South Beach

38 Replies to “Ashtanga Yoga: Supta Padangusthasana with Kino”

  1. most of the comments on youtube are utter shit, but some of the guys
    posting on this girls videos have a really good point: she could be doing
    it in pants and without these really obviously sexual-thought-inducing
    positions and camera angles. I’ve only seen 3 videos so far, but EVERY.
    ONE. has a thumbnail that is obviously going to make anyone who sees it
    think ONE thing. nobody who’s doing yoga does these positions she is
    teaching, much less watches videos about them on youtube. this is purely to
    make money off click bait and advertisements off youtube because the
    account holders make money for every time someone watches the video, how
    long they watch it, and if they click links they make extra pennies there
    too. So its no wonder she’s got all these sexy outfits and
    sex-position-thoughts-inducing stretches and 5 million friggin views – its
    so horny dudes will watch it and make her/her producer/owner money. this is
    pure digital software pimping/prostitution.

  2. If you have to do Yoga or any other training half naked in order to get
    someone to watch, you are doing something wrong. MOST of the people (men)
    that clicked on your videos could care less about what you’re teaching. But
    then again, maybe you just like to show your snatch and could care less
    about having some class. What happened to classy ladies?

  3. We all know these videos are not for women, just take your clothes off
    already and wear patches………………….. if you must.

  4. I never actually bothered to watch this video before now since the
    thumbnail says it all lol However, you can’t really see much anyway ,you’re
    just a tease for the young guys who have never seen a cougar’s crutch that
    close before. You know you’d go down well in Singapore because prostitution
    is legal over there. All you need is a boob job and you could find work
    easily with this video. Maybe dye your hair black so you look half Asian
    instead of half Caucasian. You look better with some weight on you too
    because your figure is quite boyish. If you added as much muscle as I
    managed to you’d look quite manly I think. Yoga is probably best for you!
    Good choice 🙂 BTW I still don’t like those scorpion poses you do they
    can’t be good for your lower back especially at your age. Just showing some

  5. *Health Public Service Announcement:* *girrr!zz you’ll Love this. Guys if
    you join a class which I recommend, **DON’T STARE!** you’ll get kicked out!
    I wear shades now.. peace it uP* ~

  6. No one is hitting that very hard or long or those shorts could not hold her
    in without a lot more showing.

  7. Come ooooooonnnnnnn, this is yoga???, this more pervert cameltoe yogaaaaaa
    dude. Everyone kno that inculing her. Does anyone complain?; No at all sir
    ^^ i m gonna subscribe Sir , i dont care where yuo from

  8. The woman knows a thing or two about yoga and she’s showing it off or
    teaching others or both! just take what matters to you and go away without
    making a fuss, get a life people and stop judging others!
    it’s not as if you offending them will add anything to you or them! it
    won’t as well affect Kino, she’s got a purpose and she’s living up to it!
    Go get your purpose in life and do the same!

  9. The comments are unfair. This woman is legitimately teaching this pose and
    this is consistent with how many women dress in yoga classes.

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