39 Replies to “Audiobook : A Course in Miracles – Part 1”

  1. So many, perhaps all, of the great spiritual Teachers reference this book.
    I was lucky to have literally found it when very young. It transformed my
    life, much in the way that The Seth Material did once again just a year or
    so later ~~ {meaning all of the books by Jane Roberts}. ~~~Love & be love.

  2. ACIM is every bit the equal to the Bhagavad Gita or the Dhammapada. For
    those of you who don’t know, Bhagavad Gita is a a masterpiece of spiritual
    literature, the date of authorship unknown. A didactic allegorical set
    piece, the Bhagavad Gita cannot be drowned, burned, torn, ripped, shredded,
    insulted, humiliated, starved, indulged, dissed, slapped, bitten, folded,
    stapled or mutilated. The Dhammapada is lush and wise and perfect and true
    and lovely and harsh and ironic and brash and gentle and redolent and
    eternal. Both are foundational documents of Hinduism, itself hands down THE
    bomb of religions.
    Let’s not punk-slap the Bible. It was a fine ride for its day, but its day
    has passed. ACIM, even with its clunky and offensive masculine tone, is the
    God book for our age. It’s everything we need: warm and confusing and
    annoying. Assuring and perplexing and bothersome. Haughty and humble and
    powerful. Above all, it is true. You cannot go wrong with it. Its station
    in the top tier of spiritual literature is undisputed. It will save your
    behind, open your heart, calm your spirit, refresh your body and generally
    put you in a good space.
    How could you not enjoy the company of this Jesus? 

  3. Try this: put yourself in your receptive, open to the holy spirit space.
    Open any part of this ACIM audiobook and pause it. Sit comfortably in your
    favorite chair or on the sofa. Harken Him. Turn on your Big Screen. TUrn
    off the volume. Turn on ACIM audio. Channel surf. With ACIM as the
    soundtrack to the horrors and miseries that pour from the tube, try to rest
    in the calm depths of the wisdom and love you find there.
    It may lead you to the in-the-guts realization that ACIM really is true.
    (Or, you may get sick to your stomach or nod off.) 

    This book is a life changer…..It will navigate you through the chaos of
    the material world into insight…. Leading you back to your true self….
    Past the futility of your flesh…Into wholeness with the spirit of
    …GOD…As you were created spirit in its image…. Noticed I referred to
    Divinity as it……Because you will began to have revelation of
    ….GOD….Not being male or female or needing a body and these things as
    sacrilege to divinity….. My only advice is read it like your life depends
    on it because it does…. If you have any questions you will be given help
    through revelation. Love Cheyenne.

  5. I bought this book 22 yrs ago. Where is there any inference that God wrote
    this book. This was right before the Internet got famous too. You mean God
    didnt know that this overdose of information and media was going to create
    more suicides, children and adults dependent on anti-depression meds and
    over 2 million adults in the usa alone in the few short years this book
    has been in existance! 9/11, Rampant bullying in schools, African dictators
    on the rise once again…..terrorism on our own soil. IF ALL OF THIS WAS
    TALKIED ABOUT WE’D ALL HAVE EMBRACED THIS BOOK! But none or almost none of
    this was even hinted at………kinda like the last one.
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……. I must say , if not for the eloquence
    of Maryanne Williamson, I would have forgotten this book long ago. She is
    the only one who can take the dryness out of it…and my God, is this book
    dry! Any agreements with me on that?

  6. Be warned: The serpent is sly and full of lying wonders. ACIM claims that
    the Bible was “wrong” but guess what? ACIM has “fixed” it for you and THEY
    got it right. (Gee, bet you didn’t see that coming…) Finally after all
    this time, two pyscho analysts from NYC were able to do what nobody has
    been able to do for 2000 years. What a freaking joke!!! This book is of
    Satan himself.

  7. “To spirit getting is meaningless and giving is all. Having everything,
    spirit holds everything by giving it, and thus creates as the Father
    created.” – A Course In Miracles Chapter 5: Section 1 – The Invitation to
    the Holy Spirit , My favorite quote

  8. My best summary of ACIM is that we have two choices, and only two choices.
    Option #1 is to find your connection to love in yourself. Option #2 is to
    try to find love outside yourself. The miracle is now you have as much love
    as you want, so you are not in need from the world, and this is freedom.
    Until temptation catches you and you go for option #2 again. And so on. If
    you know what is going on in this book but are having a difficult time with
    the terminology and style, go to the Foundation for A Course in Miracles
    and download some of Kenneth Wapnick’s audio workshops. He edited the book
    originally and has an awesome bronx accent that really helps.

  9. If you have a sense for your tenuous position as an ego based creature Jim
    Stewart is going to blow your doors off with his rendition of ACIM. You
    will likely never read this book to yourself as good as Jim Stewart does.
    He enunciates words you skim, he makes questions where you make statements
    and statements where you make questions. He knows this book is here to make
    fun of what YOU think you are. He develops the true humour that was
    intended in this course. If you listen, he will GIVE it to you; you won’t
    even have to earn it. I can’t find a thing about how this man was chosen
    and very little about who he is, but what a remarkable teacher, a perfect
    companion to take you deeper into the intent of this course.

  10. My biggest issue with the Course in that it uses such genderized
    vocabulary. Father instead of Creator, Son instead of Children, Brothers
    instead of Siblings, He instead of He/She or E, Him instead of Him/Her or
    Em, and so on. This bloats and makes weak and fragile the masculine ego and
    makes the feminine nonexistent. I know it was written in the 70s, but still
    one would think in that day and age people could handle fairness,
    considerateness and mutuality.

  11. This guy’s voice is so awesome, I could NOT’ve listened to the entirety w/o
    him. NOW I am looking for an equally strong FEMALE voice.

  12. What’s up with the constant ads? I mean really youtube? Can you at least
    try to match the ads to the subject? It’s harsh and jarring to the senses
    when one is in deep contemplation listening to something like this to go to
    a super loud ad for whatever product you are pushing……please, if
    someone knows another source to listen to this it would be really

  13. Thank you a million for offering the Great and Holy Course. I used to play
    this guy nonstop for hours as I were painting Angels. He is the dryest
    sounding human on the planet but I got through his creepiness (sorry)
    because the Course couldn’t be threatened by anything nearly as unreal as
    this guy’s reading style. He should have worked with Perry Mason.

  14. hey ,if anyone else wants to learn about about law of attraction try
    Tarbetti Amazing Attraction Tutor( search on google ) ? Ive heard some
    great things about it and my mate got great results with it. 

  15. God bless you friend for this post. This post will help a vast number of
    people as it is helping me and I in turn am already, by part two, sharing
    the information. It is profound. It aligns with Eckhart Tolles ‘s teachings
    and even advanced new principals in physics as seen in Nassim Haramin’s
    work- “The Swartschild Proton” – as stated in the course – “every part
    contains the whole”!

  16. I so loved Jimmy Stewart reading of ACIM, I do not think I would have
    enjoyed it so very much if it was read in a devotional/glorified/reverent
    tone which I find in audios reading of spiritual material, ACIM is not
    sacred, nothing in the illusion is sacred, but ACIM without a doubt is one
    of the clearest reflection of Truth that one can have the good fortune to
    find while being in this self chosen exile from our Home in Heaven. I just
    want to thank Jimmy Stewart for reading it in a no-nonsense manner and also
    extend my gratitude to Novelty Audiobook for uploading the entire Course in
    this excellent version here on Youtube. Once again thank you ever so much!1

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