Brian Tracy – Personal Development & Attracting Success
Brian Tracy talking about faith, setting goals, how to get rich, increasing your probability in becoming healthy, wealthy, successful. For more, visit:

49 Replies to “Brian Tracy – Personal Development & Attracting Success”

  1. True, when I started to sincerely work towards my goals, I started to meet
    people with similar hobbies as me~

  2. Great stuff ! My favorite parts are
    :52 “As you become a different person, you attract these people into your
    2:09 “luck is merely probabilities”
    I am working hard to become a better person ! Also, Since “luck is merely
    probabilities” I am increasing my “luck” by creating great new friendships
    out both off-line and online ! Who’s with me ?

  3. I got it twenty years ago from a company who specialized in audio book
    programs called Nightingale-Connant, which is no longer in business
    (hmmm…can’t understand why, in this digital age).

  4. After seen Brian Tracy and Donald Trump weird hairstyles, I am also
    thinking in changing mine to a weird one in case it makes me more
    successful 2:-)

  5. robolite, well its being informal….i hate when you have to act a certain
    way! Pretend, just be your self, like he says and donald trump says as
    well! I hate when i talk to someone and they can’t joke or crack a smile,
    even on camera or infront of others! People just need to live life alittle

  6. Brian Tracy examines and disassembles every objective to becoming
    successful, there’s no way that you can’t be if you take his advice and
    apply it.

  7. “Kill” the TV, stop vasting your time, use your time most effectively, plan
    for success and start working toward your goals.

  8. Ok, you’re probably right. I thought I Googled N-C once and I didn’t find
    anything. I’ll try it again. Thanks.

  9. Brian Tracey is one of the most compelling and interesting speakers it has
    ever been my priveledge to hear.

  10. I love Brian Tracy, he just makes so much sense. Check out
    DevelopPersonalSuccess on Google to read related articles.

  11. what about people who knock you for your development.i started travelling
    at 18 years old stopped when i had a child. now i feel i have lost what i
    treasured and everyone says i shouldnt travel w a child- what do you think?

  12. @kuvtsisnyiamkoj You’re telling Brian Tracy to get real? That’s a good one,
    I’m sure people from 30+ countries would buy millions of your books and
    CD’s. It’s not Brian that need to get real.

  13. @LeeMbarrett I think our friend needs a change of mindset. Tracey is
    correct when talking about plateus; this is only a snippet of information
    form Tracey, and overall, he offers the best inseide information to become
    successful. He does it for free, go to his website, he is not trying to
    sell you anything. He just wants you to be successful. That in itself, is
    somewhat selfish, b/c he knows if everynoe used these principles to better
    themselves.. the ppl around him would be better.

  14. Great advice but as ever comments from some juvenile individuals lacking
    tolerance spoil the comments. Nevertheless lets not let that detract from
    the wonderful insights offered by Brian.

  15. Cool video by Brian Tracy, it is truly an inspiring and amazing talk. I
    really enjoyed watching this. Thanks for sharing. Suzanne

  16. Brian Tracy is incredible as always….however the interviewer just spoils
    it with his verbal reactions which sound very unprofessional….the
    interviewer really needs to develop his listening and interviewing skills.

  17. Brian – great insights on “luck” and “chance”. I am currently listening to
    Stephen Hawking’s audiobook titled “The Grand Design”. One of the
    underlying principles in Quantum Physics and the way the Universe operates
    is on the level of all probabilities. Meaning-at any time in your life
    there is a potential for all probabilities to occur. The more you focus on
    moving forward with your goals the more likely the probability for the
    outcome will improve! What an insight.

  18. HAHAHAHA looser shut up. Got no buisness hahahahaha probably you will never
    make hahahahaha your worthless and will never earn an easy dollar
    hahahahahahahahahaha thats why you made that comment damn looser!

  19. its true you set goals and manage time and you will be more successful. you
    eat healthy food and you will feel more healthy! I am on such a plateau!!!
    this is giving me confidence that i am moving to that next explosion!
    reading one hour a day! i am gonna do it! lol

  20. I remember Oprah turning to the camera and saying, “Luck? There is no such
    thing as luck. Luck is where preparation and oportunity meet.”

  21. for my free blog on personal development, go to google and type
    personaldevelopmentinsights dot blogspot dot com

  22. When Brian is talking about plateau’s it reminds me of The Slight Edge and
    the need for a BIG enough WHY.

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