Efficiency | Personal Transformation Empowerment Motivation | Understand Accept Master How You Are Wired

http://chrismsprague.com | 855.746.4267 | Answering your most important question – “How am I Wired”. Once you understand accept and master how you are wired, success will follow.

Visit http://chrismsprague.com/weeklypeptalk/efficiency for the video and a special added blog post.

Motivation confidence and self-esteem can be yours — today! Learn the secrets on how to get and stay motivated, be confident in any situation and gain the self-esteem everyone needs to succeed.


Can you imagine that there may be a better way to doing what you do? Can you accept that idea? Are you open minded enough to ask others for differing opinions? If you are able and willing to look at things through different eyes, read on.

How many times have you completed your daily routine without even thinking twice about which shoe went on first, if you brushed your teeth, if you washed your hair?

We are creatures of habit. We do things a certain way because, well, it works! Or that’s how I always did it. Because, I don’t know! Because that is how my mom/dad taught me. Because that is what my big brother did… Hmmmm.

So maybe it’s time to re-examine how you do what you do and why you do it and see if there is a better more efficient way of doing it? Maybe if you stop for a moment and say ok, I am going to consciously take notice of my life, my actions, my choices, you may immediately see that its time for a change.

Awareness is key to moving from a dependent state of doing to an independent state of being. Examine your actions and take responsibility for the outcomes. Now that you are aware of your outcomes and how you got there, examine these outcomes and decide if these need changed as well. By focusing on the end result, you can make the necessary changes early on to better direct your time and energy.

** Call 855.746.4267 for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Motivation, confidence and self-esteem or visit http://chrismsprague.com **

What’s stopping you from living the amazing life you deserve, having the free time you deserve, making the money you deserve or having the happiness you deserve? It’s the hidden barriers that everyone has, most people don’t understand and that cause most (if not all) of the visible barriers to success.

** Call 855.746.4267 for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Motivation, confidence and self-esteem or visit http://chrismsprague.com **

Many times, these things show up as a lack of motivation, lack of confidence or low self-esteem. How great would it be to learn how to stay motivated in any situation? How wonderful would it be to have the confidence in yourself and your abilities? How much would your life improve if your self-esteem was higher?

** Call 855.746.4267 for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Motivation, confidence and self-esteem or visit http://chrismsprague.com **

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