Guided Meditation – Blissful Deep Relaxation

This guided meditation will gently ease you into a state of blissfully deep relaxation.


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We write and create high quality Guided Meditations videos that are freely viewable on YouTube. We have been creating these meditations since 2009.

The meditations were begun with one purpose: simply to try and help people. Every meditation is produced with genuine care and love for those people who use them, because we too, have needed the kind of help our meditations are trying to offer others.

Our ethos is to be as all-inclusive and as neutral as possible. We have no religious or other affiliations and try to keep most of our meditations suitable for everyone. We always welcome comments, feedback & suggestions and actively engage with our subscribers via our Facebook page.

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Feeling tired or stressed? Sit back, relax and let the gentle guiding voice take you into a profound and deep state of relaxation.

Epic power meditations are a new form of meditation/visualizations using the amazing skills of some outstanding composers and musicians.

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life with these guided retreats into Middle Earth. Each story averages around 18 minutes and is designed as a powerful and effective respite for the mind, from the stresses and strains of daily life. Each story is unique, with narration, music and ambient sound effects brought vividly to life within your own mind.

These videos are designed to be played in the background, to help with study, sleep and relaxation.

Music by Kevin Macleod (

35 Replies to “Guided Meditation – Blissful Deep Relaxation”

  1. Honest guys, I’d like to thank you. This saved my life, I was so depressed,
    I almost killed myself. I even had a suicide note and a building to jump
    off. I wanted to talk to somebody, and I talked to my sister. And she
    recommended this video. I listened to it, and I feel like a new person.
    Thank you so much, I feel like I owe you my life.

    Sincerely, Grant

  2. Wow, this was a seriously awesome experience – thank-you. By the way, is it
    normal to see amazing dancing shapes and like, ripples of light when your
    eyes have been closed for a while listening to this? I just lay and watched
    them for a good ten minutes, it was really something :)

  3. This is great. I’m going to use it with my students this week as I am
    teaching the use of meditation with trauma survivors. 

  4. I do this meditation every morning and sometimes during the day if I feel
    anxious. It has become my safe place. Thank you for all you do. My mind has
    never been more at ease thanks to your videos. Question. Ever consider
    doing a space themed guided meditation? Maybe description of a space ship,
    the view, sleeping in zero gravity with the calm hum of the engine in the
    background. Thanks again 

  5. This was the first guided meditation I’ve ever done. Honestly, always
    thought this kind of thing was silly, and pointless. I just had a baby a
    month ago. Had a rough pregnancy, and then a c section. Struggling with the
    pain from that, taking care of my man and my kids, and the house… I stay
    stressed, and at times just plain frustrated. I love my life and my family,
    but at times it feels overwhelming. This video helped me a lot. I found it
    2 days before I tried it. I wouldn’t even listen to it till I had time to
    actually try it. I dropped my son off at school, came home, the baby was
    asleep, so I put her in her bed. I turned off the lights, turned the fan
    on, and climbed into bed. I searched the video, and thought about how silly
    I was and that it would never work…. I pushed play. And was blown away.
    My favorite part was the breathing parts. It helped tremendously. I fell
    asleep before the video even ended. And then, I swear I could hear the
    video over and over in my sleep. I woke up feeling refreshed. I can’t wait
    to do this video again. It may sound crazy but I wondered if it would still
    have the same effect on me. I was worried that since I’ve done it once that
    it won’t work again. We shall see!! Thanks guys, from a tired mama in
    little ol Bell Buckle, Tennessee. 

  6. Is it bad to fall asleep almost every time I meditate? It’s as if my mind
    shuts off and I am completely oblivious to what is happening around me for
    a couple of seconds and I forget everything and think of nothing. Am I
    doing it wrong? 

  7. Just tried this, it was really lovely. I teach meditation myself and it
    was nice to do something just for me. Thank you. 

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing moment with us. I am feeling so
    relaxed and I can start my day full of positive energy.

  9. honest guys, I would like to know if this audio has any binaural sounds or
    asmr waves or if it is hypnotic or something like that

  10. I just had an unforgettable experience, I even saw my future family and my
    son, I can’t even describe what just went through my mind. I just broke
    down in tears.
    Thank you for this experience! 

  11. I’d like to thank you guys for making this video, it really helps me to
    clear my head. I listening this every day and it helps every time!
    Greetings from Holland!! 

  12. Thank you so much for this. I do have a question for you though… In deep
    relaxation, is it normal for the body to feel heavy and for a person to
    feel like they are being pushed by the waves? Because when I had my eyes
    closed it felt like the waves were crashing over my body but I was still

  13. I went through I tuff time in my life and this video really calmed me in
    many ways. I listened to it AM and it puts me to sleep. Love u guys. Tu <3

  14. Thank you. Your meditation has helped me relax and center myself. I’m
    starting a business and am feeling overwhelmed but your video really is
    helping me release anxiety. 

  15. Thank you sooooooooo much! I very really bad trouble sleeping but this was
    amazing, was asleep before it had finished

  16. I find the voice very calming and also helpful, whenever my head was doing
    things again, the voice was reasurance it was alright and to just let go,
    so for me it was a perfect guide. I had never meditated before and didnt
    know if it was for me. After about 12 minutes my body told me I was done
    and felt so calm and relaxed, such a weird experience. Fabulous work!

  17. That was soooo helpful. After the video was done I opened my eyes and there
    were clouds everywhere and my body wasn’t moving, weirdest thing I e ever

  18. Thank you so much, The Honest Guys…after listening to this for over a
    week now I can clearly see a major change in me. My concentration while
    studying has increased ..i think by 50%…i have become more calm and less
    angry… I just feel like a new person everytime i hear this… Thank u so
    much. :)

  19. Thanks Honest Guys, I’m really grateful this helped me relax today when I
    had a lot of anxiety and worry going on inside. Cheers!

  20. I fell across this by accident, i used to listen to sleep music & this
    video came up, i went to the gym an spoke with my personal trainner who is
    a yoga teacher as well but he was amazed that i foundt meditation an he was
    saying the other day that ive had a massive improvment in my self i.e
    happieness confidence but i did find one video out off this world where u
    get your energy through the earth an the trees but havent foundt it again
    that was a breath taking video. 

  21. First off, thank you for posting this, I’m trying to start my healing
    journey and I know this video is the first step for me, although I do have
    a question, about ten minutes in I started feeling extremely dizzy to the
    point where my body starting leaving to the left and I felt so nauseous I
    had to stop, has anyone else experienced this? it’s sort of discouraging me
    from continuing. 

  22. Omg, I decided randomly to try this out and I’ve never felt sooo relaxed.
    Like not this relaxed in years. It feels amazing to have this inner calm.
    Thank you so much for this video.

  23. when I can’t sleep I play this short video…and hey presto I am zoned out,
    relaxed and dozing off in a relax state of mind. Thank you. xx

  24. Thank you for this meditation. I remain calm throughout the meditation but
    after awakening I feel so empty. I go totally blank and I feel there’s no
    purpose for my life. I had quit my job 10 months ago and my husband left me
    3 months back. Now I live with my parents doing nothing. Is that why I feel
    so empty? Is there any meditation to get me motivated??

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