GUIDED MEDITATION MIND SILENCE Remove Negative Blocks Automatically Quiet The Mind Paul Santisi


HEADPHONES REQUIRED! Brand New guided meditation. MIND SPACE (stepping into stillness) Remove negative blocks automatically and quieting the mind and enter a state of bliss and awareness. Many will try to copy this but nobody will ever match the INTENTION that I created this with. This meditation takes you all the way, so you can see further than ever before. You will be positively charged and all your blocks will be removed and the true you will be released. This is a 2 CD set – I included both CD’S in this 1 track – Must listen to introduction for best results – meditation starts 15 mins in. LISTEN ALL THE WAY FOR BEST RESULTS – ENJOY!

Make sure to have a look at paul santisi life coaching.

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“Music by Christopher Lloyd Clarke”. Licensed by

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44 Replies to “GUIDED MEDITATION MIND SILENCE Remove Negative Blocks Automatically Quiet The Mind Paul Santisi”

  1. I fell asleep while listening to this audio.. And had a dream that earth
    was invaded by creatures trying to steal our souls

  2. Dear Mr. Santisi, Your guided meditation grabs my souls attention. When you
    balance me with the vibrations I feel as if I’m on a string from the top of
    my head and as the vibrations soars thru me I become so relaxed. I’m just
    hanging in the air by the string like a ragdoll. I’ve never been so relaxed
    without drugs. Even with the medication I’ve never reached relaxation on
    this cellular level. I know I was meant to find you finally because I need
    to change my life drastically. You Dear Sir helped me awake this morning
    refreshed and smiling from ear to ear ready to change my life and how I
    feel. I will do this every night. .Thank you so very much. I will forever
    be grateful.. I’m ready to dig for GOLD….

  3. I am going to try to explain to you this without sounding like i’ve lost my
    mind. I’ve recently been trying to change my inner world in hopes of it
    affecting my physical outer surroundings. Most of my life i lived with the
    worry and the thought that maybe by chance I was just born into an unlucky
    future and not a very productive mind. When thoughts like these are your
    way of being it changes how you do things and ultimately changes where you
    end up. I one day looked in the mirror and I just felt a wave of
    disappointment with what stared back at me so I knew I had to do something
    because expecting other people to treat me better than I treat myself is
    both unrealistic and plain unfair. For a while it was going great, I loved
    myself and I was living as though I was given a pen and the ability to
    write down and dictate my future so I acted accordingly to where i wanted
    to go.

    Then a little thought at the back of my mind started crippling through my
    new way of being until it ultimately made me think that this had no use,
    that I just maybe wasn’t pretty enough and smart enough to do everything I
    want to do. It was like logic slapped me in the face and not only did my
    dreams seem far from possible, I felt doomed because everyone surrounding
    me were happy but didn’t get very far in life. What makes me think i can do

    I watched this video and for the first time in a long time I felt peace and
    I felt logic fade away as even with my eyes closed I could see perfectly
    everything that made me feel good. I had a weird experience though.. I saw
    myself sitting in a dark room with someone sitting in front of me.. I
    stopped listening to the audio from the video and focused on the person in
    front of me.. With a little hard work I came to realize it was myself. It
    was myself in a way I had never seen myself. I was gorgeous, happy and I
    could feel from where I was, a wave of good vibrations as I looked myself
    in the eyes. I actually asked myself why I wasn’t like that as I could feel
    tears fill up my eyes because even though I had tried living happy, I
    always felt fake and like an impostor. I heard and answer I will never
    forget from this higher version of myself. She said: Because I love you,
    but you don’t love me.

    I woke up the next day not remembering when I fell asleep.

    I still don’t know if i’ll get to where I want to go and if I will ever be
    that mass of energy that looked like a higher version of myself. But I do
    know this.. I will act towards prosperity and faith. I will be happy
    in-spite of anything that might be occurring. I might not know for sure if
    my future is already set in stone but i will have a better time getting

    Thats was my experience, thank you.

    -Estefani, 19, Puerto Rico 

  4. 3 minutes in and im already getting this headache feeling. Good to know
    that this strong guided meditation is cleansing my mind =) thank you.

  5. Wanting control, approval, security & separation are at the roots of all
    our troubles and blocks. When you have a strong emotion or feeling of some
    kind simply welcome it and ask yourself: Which of the four basic wants is
    responsible for this feeling?

    Simply identifying which of the four wants is responsible for the feeling
    is often enough to allow it to release.

    I highly recommend learning about The Sedona Method, a simple yet powerful
    tool for helping us to release limitations!!

    Next time you are feeling something unpleasant, try this basic realease:

    1. What is it I’m feeling?
    2. Could I welcome this feeling?
    3. Could I let this feeling go?
    4. Would I let this feeling go?
    5. And when? (Right now!) 

  6. Paul Santisi, you are a truly powerful medium.I started listening to this
    because i was deeply depressed and lost. While listening to this
    meditation,I began to feel a persistent throbbing in between my eyes and i
    could feel a certain energy flowing through me. I can’t quite explain it,
    and it scared me at first. But I now feel really alive and vibrant in a way
    that I haven’t felt since my childhood. I feel like i have opened up. Does
    this make sense? I believe again. I can do anything and my life is
    limitless. I feel so positive and this calm inner peace. I am awake now and
    I can feel myself and my life changing. I am crying happy tears and am so
    grateful to feel this profound shift within me.This meditation has become a
    daily ritual for me now. I BELIEVE.

  7. Very empowering! thanks for creating this! Loved the energetic clearing I
    got out it! Also best used with Master’s Solutions: Mastersofuniverse. net

  8. I never been this deep into myself without my brain saying things to me.
    I’m doing this every day start now. Love you . Thanks

  9. Dear Paul, thank you so much for sharing this spectacular life changing
    meditation, it has helped me recover from a severe negative period that was
    clouding my life. now im happy, full of energy and positive.

    i wish you all the good the universe has to offer for good people like you
    truly deserve it 🙂 

    I did this a few months and it was the deepest i ever got with any
    meditation. Well I did this and felt so amazing, I was so deep in it, I
    started to feels vibrations and kept going, after I was done I felt really
    really great and then really really weird I can’t even explain, it felt
    scary, I don’t want to feel like that again if that explains how bad it
    was. Why is this? 

  11. Gr8 work sir,,,ur voice is having mesmerizing effect on body.Thankful to u
    for your lovely gift to humanity.

  12. I listened to this as I relaxed for bed. Almost immediately I was in a
    deep relaxed state. Further into the meditation I experienced a very
    intense vibration traveling up my body. Just as I was getting alarmed,
    Paul stated that I would be feeling vibrations. I then relaxed knowing
    that it was supposed to happen, but it was almost too intense especially
    when it reached my head. When it subsided I found myself in tears. Can
    someone tell me just what happened?

  13. The floating part came in and I fight it back, I got scared. waow. Nice
    exprience though. Thank you very much

  14. PAUL, THANK YOUUUU SO MUCHHHH, im not kiding, this meditation REALLY worked
    for me!! i am grateful for this. i am i am i am!! WIth SIMPLE words, the
    message it CLEAR!
    Thank you from my heart!! you are a beautiful heart!!!

  15. I try to listen up to the end for three times, but I follow sleep the three
    times regardless how I seat. 

  16. thank you so much …beautiful.. you are a very wise and full of love..
    what is the music called I love it ?

  17. Thank you for this audio! Really worked with me. Just love you to pieces
    Paul! All of your video’s are quite helpful.

  18. Thank u so much Paul I thought I had this mind stuff all together but after
    doing this I finally feel free…

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