Drift off to sleep with this blissfully calm talk-down. Features very high quality ocean wave sounds – you can almost taste the sea air!


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Feeling tired or stressed? Sit back, relax and let the gentle guiding voice take you into a profound and deep state of relaxation.

Epic power meditations are a new form of meditation/visualizations using the amazing skills of some outstanding composers and musicians.

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life with these guided retreats into Middle Earth. Each story averages around 18 minutes and is designed as a powerful and effective respite for the mind, from the stresses and strains of daily life. Each story is unique, with narration, music and ambient sound effects brought vividly to life within your own mind.

These videos are designed to be played in the background, to help with study, sleep and relaxation.

27 Replies to “GUIDED SLEEP MEDITATION TALKDOWN – Insomnia – Relaxation”

  1. wow! My sleeping pattern has been a little off recently and this clip was
    so helpful in helping me get to sleep last night that I’m back here again.
    After finding the clip again, I scrolled down on the right hand side to see
    other YouTube recommended clips. On the way down I couldn’t help but notice
    the comments page. You guys respond to every comment! I checked some of
    your other clips and saw that those too had responses to all the comments.
    It might come across as a bit strange but I just wanted to say that it is
    so nice to see that you guys actually care and take time to read and
    respond to every person. Subscribing as soon as I post this message. Thank
    you guys for all the good work and I’m looking forward to checking out the
    other videos soon!

  2. I work in mental health and after a stressful gruelling day at work I am
    exhausted but found it hard to get to sleep ,when i wake in the morning i
    always seem to wake with a head ache my mind carried on in overdrive unable
    to sleep . I found this has helped me to relax my body and mind enabling me
    to go to sleep .I get up in the morning feeling as though I have had a good
    nights sleep its great thanks☺

  3. I’ve had a good experience with this. I’ve never fallen asleep before with
    headphones on, but as soon as the clip ended I was in a nice deep sleep. I
    even awoke to some white light guiding me along the way, was pretty

  4. Wow! I have insomnia and I only get 3-4 hours of sleep but with this I
    slept all night! I forgot how good it feels to sleep all night! Thank you
    so much. I plan on using this every night!

  5. I did indeed feel relaxed, but this didn’t work for me, i wanted it to work
    so bad after 6 years of bad sleep i’m really worried about my health. After
    iv’e seen all the comments, i know this should work and i’m glad it does
    help other people if i have this trubble to get some sleep i should go to
    the doctor and check out what is wrong with me. Please give me some tips
    people i really need it, btw thanks for the video guys.

  6. I’ve listened to this particular video many, many times. I have used sleep
    meditation videos before, but none have worked as well as this one. I was
    asleep in 5 minutes last night! 

  7. I appreciate you so much for making this. I suffer from mental illness and
    insomnia. I usually don’t get more than three hours of sleep. Using this
    however, I fell asleep before it finished and I slept all night. Thank you
    so much.

  8. i listen every night and am asleep in mintues same if i wake up in the
    night on it goes and asleep again in seconds. Love the voice be lost
    without it now :)

  9. You.guys are the best, I know you always get the same message, I’m.sure
    thats.just a fraction of people you have helped. 

  10. I just played this for my 3 year old son who usually takes over an hour to
    fall asleep and he was out within a few minutes after the tightening of the
    muscles. we will be trying this again tomorrow night. Thank you!

  11. Whaoooo Thnk you sooo much for that meditation, thank you for the sea, the
    wave sounds is really perfect for me me, i can stay hours in here, thank
    you guys!!!

  12. This is honestly one of the best meditation tracks I’ve come across since I
    was a child. I used to have a CD that was all about underwater stories and
    mind/body control – sent me to sleep in minutes. This track for me, like
    many others by the looks of it did it too! Conked out for the whole night
    and woke up feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated.

    Thank you so much for this, I wish donations were available. 

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