Guitar Quick Tip #7: Set Your Strap For Optimum Performance (Guitar Lesson QT-007)

In this guitar lesson quick tip video we’re going to look at strap height and how you should set it… the important bit is to set it the same for practice as it it will be when you perform!

Taught by Justin Sandercoe.

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To get help with this lesson (and for further info and tabs), find the Lesson ID in the video title (like ST-667 or whatever) and then look it up on the Lesson Index page of

Have fun 🙂


43 Replies to “Guitar Quick Tip #7: Set Your Strap For Optimum Performance (Guitar Lesson QT-007)”

  1. You can play with the guitar down your knees if you want, just needs more
    practice. I’m a James Hetfield fan myself so my guitar is an Explorer.
    Playing an explorer up high looks weird, those guitars are made to be
    strapped low so I’m practicing and over the last year I lowered it from
    belly button to below the crotch level (where James holds it), I’ll admit
    it’s not easy to play like that but everything comes to practice. Those
    players you see playing so low, they’ve mastered the songs they’re playing
    so they come to a point where the care about looking cool since this won’t
    decrease the clarity in their playing. Question is can you do that? If yes
    strap it low, if not don’t, if you really want it then practice. Cheers!

  2. Even though I have it set to the same height as when I’m sitting down, I
    end up hurting my wrist somehow. Mostly because the neck is too far away
    for some reason, but I haven’t quite figured it out yet

  3. Paul Gilbert shreds with a pretty low strap. I always thought it might be
    easier for him because he is super tall with long arms and fingers…

  4. One important lesson you forgot to mention, is that when you are playing
    with your guitar down at your groin area… If you’re on stage… How the
    hell are the ladies going to get a chance to admire your package! And that
    is the most important “tip” for any gentleman and lady. 😉

    But seriously though, look at Steve Stevens, phenomenal guitarist in his
    own right. But! Watch him, he plays with his guitar so low that his
    performance live suffers from it. Not much, but it is evident.

    Good video! Cheers! 

  5. i play guitar low and u have to play very relaxed. u right arm falls al way
    down to the strings ur left holds the neck. i mean look for the pros
    posture mos of them does the same. and a tip u can use a mirror to see what
    u re doing while u re playing this whay so ur posture is manly as fuck. the
    key is remove all tension from your muscles, play relaxed so it is a
    pleasure to do

  6. Something so simple, you would think that common sense would tell you that
    Justin is right on. Like he stated in another video, practice makes
    PERMANENT not PERFECT. So if you’re playing the guitar at the Slash level,
    you had better be practicing that way. Try it sometime. Play with it high
    or lower that you practice and your body will revolt against you. 

  7. Thanks that helped alot because i allways practise sitting down and i was
    struggling while playing standing up and now i found the perfect spot for
    the strap (little bit lower than while sitting down)

  8. Thank you Justin..

    I have a Les Paul that I have to wear a strap with when I sit down or it
    will fall of my leg do to the weight. I think its a more natural playing
    position with a strap sitting down. 

  9. G’day. That’s all well and good, but I learned to play the guitar to get
    women. Women are more attracted to men who wear their guitar lower so that
    the guitar neck looks like it’s coming out from between the legs. This is a
    well known fact. I appreciate what you’re saying, and it almost seems to
    make some sense, but I’m just not going to be able to use with my kit mate.

  10. thanks I never really cared and now I been getting more in to metal and
    then I heard that somewhere that if you want to look cool you should play
    withy the guitar low but I don’t sound as cool I sound way cooler if I play
    were I always have kind of the same as you so I agree you are better off
    playing where you sound best and can do your best chops and work and just
    for the record Slash plays most of the time low but when he really wants to
    do his fast playing and solo’s he pulls the guitar up almost straight up
    and down to bring it closer to him

  11. My dad taught me to have my guitar low because I was young and it balanced
    the weight on my shoulder better and I always play really low haha. It’s
    like a different instrument when standing and sitting so I usually price
    standing or lying down.

  12. I hang my guitar so low like Jimmy page. It just feels right and very
    relaxed for me. When I play my guitar up high I just don’t get the right
    attitude to play. I know it’s a mental thing but I’m always a little bit
    strange. Haha. When I go for a shred I take my axe on my right leg and put
    it up a little bit.

    Cherrs Max 

  13. Man this is probably the funniest video among all others yet educative. I
    have been thinking about this since I first start playing (10+ years). I
    blamed Slash too.

  14. Thanks for this. Although I eventually came to the same conclusion as you I
    think its nice that you took the time to explain this so that people who
    are starting out get a better idea of how to play standing up comfortably.

  15. That’s true! I wouldn’t call it cheating though, I suppose it’s more of a
    compromise…This is really good advice that Justin is giving…practice
    the way you’ll play at a performance…there are people that pays awesome
    low and play awesome with it a bit higher up 🙂

  16. I like my guitar low because it’s actually more comfortable like that for
    me. But I finger chords differently than most it seems. I finger my
    E-shaped barre chords with my thumb over the neck playing the route note
    and for A-shaped barre chords I use my little finger for the barre. My
    thumb can sit comfortably over the neck and my wrist isn’t being strained.
    Watch some videos of Jimmy Page playing, you’ll see what I mean (:

  17. Rhandy Rhoads used to play with his guitar set really high, and he looked
    cool too!!! 😀 And his technique was awesome…

  18. Haha. You are the 1st Ive ever heard mention this, but I went through a
    similar problem back in the band days. I finally raised the guitar height
    until it was more comfortable because I was getting hand cramps so bad I
    couldnt make chord changes, Live and learn. :>

  19. when i play my epiphone casino i have my it set to about belt buckle height
    but thats only because it has a bigger body. but when i use my Vintage les
    paul its around sitting down height.

  20. Not only a bit harsh – it’s a stupid answer without sense. Maybe he’s a
    troll – or just plain stupid. The first guy asked a completely valid,
    normal answer, which actually made a lot of sense.

  21. Too right, and Slash had trouble playing Sweet Child O’ Mine “live” for
    many years. I believed he nailed it in rehearsals, but stuffed up live. I
    always thought it was because of his low slung axe, but I guess only he
    knows the true answer to that one.

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