Information | Personal Transformation Empowerment Motivation | Understand Accept Master How You Are Wired | 855.746.4267 | Answering your most important question – “How am I Wired”. Once you understand accept and master how you are wired, success will follow.

Information is critical to your everyday life. Could you live a day without information? Are you dealing with information overload? Would you like to know why, with all the information available, some people are still ill-informed? To hear more, visit

With the Internet, we have information almost instantaneously with a push of a button. Do a search on any topic and there is flood of websites to tell you all about whatever you are searching for. Sometimes the search is spot on and other times it is completely off base but the beauty is you can search again and again refining until you get it right.

With that, why are so many people still ill informed? There has never been a time like now with access to so much information through our phones, homes, cars, cafés, libraries… even restaurants give free access. And yet you hear people say the craziest things and have outlandish opinions based on no facts you are aware of.

This is partly due to the other form of information — the media. The media has its own agenda and long gone are the days of unbiased news outlets. But this isn’t about the media. It is about information and how to obtain useful information that is both accurate and proven to be true.

What’s stopping you from living the amazing life you deserve, having the free time you deserve, making the money you deserve or having the happiness you deserve? It’s the hidden barriers that everyone has, most people don’t understand and that cause most (if not all) of the visible barriers to success.

** Call 855.746.4267 for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Personal Growth and Motivation or visit **

Sound familiar …

I feel Like I ‘m always running uphill.
Nobody understands me.
I dread waking up in the morning.
I dream about being somewhere else.
I hate my job.
I dream about doing something else.

If anything above sounded familiar to you, there is hope. Keep reading.

** Call 855.746.4267 for Transformation, Empowerment, Growth and Motivation or visit **

Also, visit Chris’s other projects… for more on how you are wired and how to thrive in 2014 and beyond. for more information on the Professional Practice Builders Society – the place to be for successful Practice Owners looking to skyrocket their practice in 2014 and beyond. for more information on The Empowered Transformations Inner Circle — the place to be for people who want to be empowered by a high-level inner-circle.

You can also…

Contact Chris M. Sprague at 855.746.4267
or visit Chris on the web:

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