Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown Level 1

Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown Level 1 is designed to sculpt muscle, burn fat, and tone your entire body fast! Begin with a gentle vinyasa, then kick up the intensity with a series of yoga poses combined with Jillian’s signature exercises that focus on flow and form to build core strength and enhance results. Finally, stretch out and maximize your efforts with a muscle-soothing cool down. Join America’s Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels in this effective total-body toning workout that will transform your body and get you rock-hard results! Click Here for more Jillian Workouts! http://bit.ly/yqvan0

This workout is from Jillian Michaels DVD “Yoga Meltdown”.

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45 Replies to “Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown Level 1”

  1. Nice yoga workout, we should look to create some shorter ones on our
    channel too, let us know what you think?

  2. I love it. I really see a difference on my body. It’s been 1 month I have
    been doing it and eating right…
    Seriously guys, I see a difference. This power yoga is hard! But it’s worth
    Don’t think this is yoga. This is different. It’s Pilates, I don’t know why
    they call it yoga 

  3. Jillian Michaels is a very talented personal trainer. Although this is not
    a traditional form of yoga, her knowledge on alignment is excellent.

  4. Aloha my Friend,
    Great video! I really appreciate to see your videos and am happy to see
    them helping people live a happier healthier life. Thank you and keep up
    the great work!
    I have many yoga, meditation and health videos on my channel if you want to
    check them out. Feel free to subscribe and leave a comment to let me know
    any video requests you can think of and I will try to make videos to
    respond to your request.

    Keep up the greatness!
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Blessings and Namaste,

  5. *Nice Video…..ThIs groundbreakIng book, Reverse Fat Loss For Women Today,
    Is the fIrst scIentIfIcaIIy proven system for reversIng Type 2 Fat Loss For
    Women and pre Fat Loss For Women, whIIe showIng peopIe wIth Type 1 how to
    dramatIcaIIy reduce or even eIImInate theIr InsuIIn dose. > *

  6. i find it odd that all these people who are claiming this isn’t ‘real’ yoga
    are even bothering to comment so negatively. I thought yoga was about
    mindfulness and positivity, the yogis I know are respectful understanding
    people, i’d expect that from other people who also practice yoga. They say
    this isn’t really yoga, but they themselves don’t reflect the spirit of
    yoga either. 

  7. I actually really liked it. I took a Vinyasa class but noticed I am just
    not strong and lean enough for most poses. So until I take that class
    again, I will work on my strength with this video, I don’t think there’s
    anything wrong with it, and also I don’t think that anyone believes this
    was “real” yoga. It’s still Jillian Michaels guys 😉 

  8. I’m definitely not the type of person to do yoga, but it’s pretty fun! 🙂
    Whenever I feel stressed or cranky, I always try it, and I usually end up
    feeling better! The only bad thing is, I can’t hold any of these poses for
    more than 5 seconds almost -_- then again I probably shouldn’t have eaten
    all that Easter candy lol

  9. Love yoga! I have tried “hot yoga” recently and it was terrific! Yoga seems
    to help my arthritis also ~ Thanks Jillian!! #yoga

  10. This came out exactly two years ago this month. I was researching on yoga
    videos to try. This seems very challenging for me but I believe I can do

  11. I am in pretty shape. I do a lot of stretching, resistance training and
    cardio. I thought I might try yoga in 2015. Why not start with some basic
    yoga on youtube right? This video was the first one that came up from the
    search. I saw how many thumbs down it had so i decided to read some
    comments before watching the video. The comments from the yoga community
    were a real turn off. Very judgemental and condescending. I am not sure how
    far into yoga I will get but I am sure I will resist getting sucked into
    the yoga cult in fear of becoming like these people commenting on this

  12. I can’t believe I tried working out today! I feel great and ready to take
    on yoga everyday with Jullian! She continues to talk and guide with a
    intermediate level that I really enjoy! Thank you Jillian! :]

  13. You should call it YOGAEROBICS! I was looking for a little intense yoga
    and I came across this. Man, I could barely do the 25 minutes. Its intense
    and I like it. It may not be true yoga, I guess its aerobics with the yoga
    theme, but I like this variation. 🙂 

  14. Great bodyweight workout. It’s very challenging. These comments from “real”
    yogis are hilarious. Namaste motherfuckers. 

  15. Is jillian micheals a Lesbian? She looks like a man with female body a lot
    of manly gestures

  16. I’ve been practicing yoga regularly now as my main form of exercise, but
    also for the meditative aspects, mind strengthening etc. I came here today
    knowing full well I’d get my ass kicked by Jillian, and wasn’t
    disappointed. Awesome workout if you’re looking to tone and shed some
    weight, while introducing some basic yoga poses. Certainly a departure
    from traditional yoga practice, but not bad to mix things up every so

  17. YOGA IS POSITIVE!!! AND YOU ALL ARE NOT! Lol! Get a CLUE! Say kind, nice
    things or just shut up and be negative on your OWN TIME! People who have
    never done ANYTHING have tried this! And then do out and do more. Douche
    Bags on this thread!!! AHHHHHH!!! The negativity! I’m HAPPY! And I do this
    WORKOUT! Go #jillianmichaels #goldyknows #goldylocksrocks
    #goldylocksband #jimmyfallon #ellen 

  18. Lol. People are so funny. If you don’t think this is yoga, I’m sure there
    are thousands of other “true yoga” videos floating on youtube. People
    complain about everything. “Cultural appropriation”. Ha! when millions are
    starving to death and being sold as sex slaves. Please use your energy
    wisely, 21st century virtual protesters. 

  19. i just finished this workout. i felt like giving up early a few times. i
    have done it before but it’s been awhile. i’m so glad i stuck it through
    the end.

    i am exhausted, sweaty, and sore-but it’s so rewarding. i feel great. my
    back pain has significantly decreased.

    it’s yoga with a twist so that you can burn more calories and sweat it out.
    take the good from it and keep it movin!

  20. I stopped during the hip stretches at 2:43 because it was hurting my feet
    to lift up my legs, so is there anything I need to know to ease this pain
    so that I can complete this exercise?

  21. Me encanta que las tres chicas son diferentes y su intensidad en el
    ejercicio también. Me gustó ver que una de ellas al igual que yo le cuesta
    más dificultad hacer los ejercicios pero que aun así no se rindió y siempre
    mantuvo su buena actitud. ;)

  22. Call it what you like, I can still only get 10 minutes through before
    collapsing in a heap! I’ll keep at it and no doubt I’ll improve each
    session. Whatever people want to say about this, it does work, I can feel a
    difference and I enjoy it in the privacy of my own home without judgemental
    gym goers having a laugh and my moaning and groaning :)

  23. Peace & Blessings #Namaste

    Great work out thank you very much for sharing and added to my #Yoga &
    #Meditation Playlist…. #Blessed

  24. i love this. i’ve done yoga before but left it for sometimes, and today is
    the first day i’m starting again. this is great because it’s incorporating
    basic yoga movement along with aerobics to build up stamina.

  25. Another great DVD from Jillian! It is hard work, especially for complete
    beginners but I would definitely recommend it. Afterwards you can feel it
    and it’s a great way to get into shape.
    Don’t let a few negative comments on here put you off – it’s not ‘yoga’ in
    the traditional sense but that’s why I like it (no meditation, mantra,
    namaste, etc) – anyone who knows JM wouldn’t really expect a full-blown
    yogi vid from her – she’s all about fast results, keeping you motivated and
    providing enjoyable exercise – and she delivers exactly that. Thanks
    Jillian!! :)

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