Juicing Benefits, Carrot Juice Detox

http://www.eJuicingBenefits.org Hi, Mike Griffin here with another juicing tip.

Carrots are most famous for supplying vitamin A. This comes from the high amount of beta carotenes that carrots supply. Beta Carotene is also an antioxidant and this along with the vitamin A and lutein supplied by carrots is what makes the carrot famous for improving vision.

Beta Carotene also protects and maintains the tissues that surround your internal organs and protects them from cancer. In fact research shows that compounds in carrots destroys pre-cancerous cells. In fact carrots make up a large part of Gerson Therapy which is the recognized cancer cure that saved Jay Kordich’s life.

Carrot Detox
5 carrots, greens removed
2 stalks celery
Handful of flat leaf parsley
3 handfuls spinach leaves

Just drop them into your juicer and let it rip

Juicing is a easy and great way to optimize your health and energy. With juicing you can alter the recipes and make juices that meet your ow

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